Page 51 of Winning Her Heart

I wonder what she has in mind until she walks forward and grabs my hand. I start to get uncomfortable when I realize she wants to dance. "I'm not much of a dancer," I say hastily.

She grabs my hand and plants it firmly on her waist. She grips the other and guides my feet back and forth.

Soon her head rests on my chest and we’re swaying gently back and forth to the music. Before I know it, I'm lost in the moment and the music. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this. This is so unlike me.

It’s intimate in a way I’ve never experienced before. For me, intimacy has always directly correlated to sex, but this… it's just nice to be close to her and share in such an emotional and personal moment like this.

All too soon, the song ends, there's a slight pause before the next one starts. Even in the silence, we continue to sway a little. I'm ready to lose myself in the music again as the first notes of the next song play.

But Juliette stiffens suddenly, then breaks away from me. I'm caught off guard. I watch as she races across the room. She hurriedly takes the record off and puts it away, and I can see even from here that her hands are shaking.

The room is filled with a heavy silence now that the music is gone. She won't meet my gaze, and I simply hover in awkward silence and confusion. I thought we were having a nice moment.

I don't think I did anything more to offend her. Could she still be upset about earlier? No, that doesn’t make sense. And then it clicks. It must have something to do with that track.

I don't want to be nosy and pry, but I can't help but be a little concerned. I take a few steps closer to her. I notice her breathing a little heavily as she puts the album away. Now I'm even more worried about her.

“Juliette?” I ask softly, reaching out slowly to rest a hand on her shoulder, “Are you all right?”

Chapter 11 - Juliette

I'm so embarrassed by my reaction. That was more than a little extreme, but I couldn't help myself. I enjoyed the first song and my dance with Dominic. I was really getting into the music, but the next song that started was Florian’s favorite song and I just couldn't handle listening to it. The flood of memories was too much.

My hands are still shaking a little. The whole shop is silent now without the music. I can feel Dominic watching me. I don't know what to say, but I need to explain my reaction, I probably look insane right now. I hear his footsteps as he moves a little closer.

I feel the warmth of a hand on my shoulder. “Juliette? Are you all right?”

I take a breath and turn around to face him. I can't meet his gaze, though. I fidget with some pens by the register. The silence between us grows. Finally, I know I can't stall any longer.

"I'm sorry about that,” I explain softly, “But, uh, that song was my brother’s favorite. He used to play it all the time… before he died."

I fidget with my hair now as I continue talking, wrapping a stray lock around the tip of my finger nervously. "I forgot it was on that album and when I heard it just now, it brought back all the memories I have of him." I explain, fighting to keep my emotions under control.

I feel silly that this whole thing happened and that I have to explain it to Dom. He’s a complete stranger. He wouldn't understand. He probably thinks I'm a basket case or something. To my surprise, however, Dom takes a few more steps closer.

He reaches over and gently slips his hand into mine. I look up at him with wide eyes. The look in his eyes is so gentle and sweet, full of compassion. It touches my heart. "I'm so sorry for your loss. How long has it been since he…?"

He doesn’t have to finish, I know where the sentence is heading. "A year and a half," I reply quietly, not looking away from him.

“I’m so sorry,” he says again softly, “I lost my mom a few years ago, I know how it hurts."

The look on his face is so raw and vulnerable, I'm both touched and shocked that he opened up like that with me.

“Thank you,” I say finally, the only thing I can think to utter.

He squeezes my hand. It’s like he can sense what I'm going through. He clears his throat and looks around. "Well, I think I still need some convincing about how magical these things are,” he says with a smirk, waving his hand around at the albums, “Why don't you put on something that's one of your favorites? I'd love to hear it. It'll give me an idea of your tastes." He suggests.