Page 45 of Winning Her Heart

She keeps her gaze trained to the stage. She's watching with such intensity that for a brief moment, I’m worried that maybe she's bidding on a woman for herself. I can't stop the disappointment that floods through me. I put my empty glass back on the bar.

Either way, she’s standing in the audience, not the auction line. I wonder briefly if it would be in bad taste to go hit on her. It’s an interesting idea, the thought of picking up a woman in such a normal way at one of these things.

As one auction ends, I watch her head turn quickly to look around. She hesitates, gnawing on that plush lower lip for a moment, then walks determinedly to the sign up table.

My jaw nearly hits the floor. I can't believe my luck. She’s going to play the game, and I’m going to win. I have to have this girl. I look over at Kevin, he’s busy chatting up some woman I don’t recognize.

I turn my attention back to the sign up table. She's still there, filling out the papers. I watch her every move, captivated and mesmerized by her beauty. I notice the way her dress hugs her lush figure and shows off delectable curves.

My eyes keep being drawn back to those bold red lips. I wonder briefly what it would feel like to have those lips wrapped around my cock, and the blood rushes south. She stares at the paperwork with the same intensity that she was watching the auctions with.

I try to guess what sort of thing she'll bid, and end up coming up with a few of my own I'd like to try. I need to calm myself, so I order another drink and gulp it. "Everything ok?" Kevin asks.

The girl he was talking to before has her arms wrapped around him. "Yeah, just fine." I reply with a chuckle.

Kevin nods and goes back to his girl. I think about how my opinion about coming out tonight might be starting to change a little bit.

Sipping my drink, I watch the pinup girl as long as I can until she disappears into the crowd again.

Chapter 7 - Juliette

I can't believe I'm here. I'm shocked at how many people actually attend events like this. The lady I talked to earlier today was here to welcome me, which was pretty nice. There is a bar, though I'm not much of a drinker, besides I'm here to observe and not enjoy myself. Thankfully I haven't been approached by any weirdos yet, and no one has tried to talk to me.

Not that attention is bad, I just don't want the wrong kind. Besides, I need to be focused on tonight. I walk through the crowd and get into a spot that has a good view of the stage. I arrived early, so it will be a little while before the auctions start.

I take the opportunity to observe the people around me. They’re dressed stylishly, in expensive designer fashions, which means they definitely have money. The woman obviously wasn’t kidding about the wealthy patrons. In my hand-me-down vintage dress, one I’d inherited from my grandmother, I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb.

Not to mention the fact that I might be the only woman in this room over a size two. I’m kind of amazed by all the thin, statuesque women around me and more than a little intimidated. Who’s going to be interested in the girl next door when there are freaking supermodels to pick from? I have to take a breath and calm down.

Now is not the time to panic or freak out. I remind myself of what the lady said. There is no pressure to be a part of this. Just as I'm getting calm, she walks over and tells me: "We’re about to get started now."

Nodding, I turn to the stage and give my full attention. I realize I probably look like a potential buyer or something. I don't care, though. I want to learn as much about this as I can. Not just as a way to earn money, but I'm also curious as well. Ok, this kind of lifestyle isn't for me, but how do these people do it? What makes those auctions so interesting?

I don't move from my spot during the first two auctions. After the third passes and I feel like I’ve got the picture, I run to the bathroom to clear my head. There's no one else in here so after I finish in the stall I stand in front of the mirror a while.

I check my makeup then pace on the bathroom floor. The auctions look pretty simple, so the only question that remains is do I want to go through with it? I weigh my options once more. At first I’d thought this seemed so wrong, but the girls up there…they look like they’re having fun. And I’ve heard some of the bids being called out, if I could make even a fraction of that cash,…