Page 61 of On Demand

The kissing was harder and more bruising than the fighting, a conflict of tongues and teeth, a war of lips. My initial impulse to knee him in the groin, blocked by his solid bulk, gave way to pinching and hair-pulling and then eventually surrender, once he had kissed every martial spark out of me. He tongued and probed me into a final accord. Lloyd had won the battle. I would reconsider my war strategy once I had had a chance to estimate casualties.

'You're a bastard,' I whispered, once he was sure enough of his conquest to release my lips, but there was no fire in the words.

'Yes,' he acknowledged. 'I'm just what you need.'

I didn't want to want him, but I did. I had exposed a vulnerable corner and he had swarmed into it, enforced an occupation and would be the devil himself to shift now. I broke our eye contact and glanced briefly over to the jacuzzi. Maria appeared to be straddling Lincoln on the ledge, but Jake and Jade were both staring over at us, jaws on the floor. Jake, naked, dishevelled and semi-erect again after Maria's oral ministrations, strolled over.

'Room for one more?' he asked hoarsely.

Lloyd looked him up and down with a measure of contempt. He wanted it to be clear that he was the alpha alpha in this scenario.

'Give me a few minutes, Jakey,' he requested. 'I'll let you know when we're ready for you.'

'Sure. I'll just . . . watch for a minute, then?'

Lloyd shrugged. 'Unless you want to give Maria one.'

'No, I'll watch. Thanks.'

I sensed a competitive edge, a locking of antlers. I would never have put money on Lloyd against Jake or Lincoln, but now it seemed all bets were off.

Lloyd returned his full attention to me, taking my breasts in reverent hands and swishing the water over and around them. His tongue returned to my overwhelmed mouth and his rampant cock – championship material indeed – continued a bruising assault on my pubic bone. Once he was sure that no atom of my oral cavity remained unexamined, he turned to the spot behind my ear, then began sucking at my neck again until my eyes rolled backwards, moving ravenously down until his chin met the water. He lifted me a little, keeping me steady against the cold tiles at my back, so that my breasts were above the licking waters, which he replaced with his licking tongue. He nipped the nipples until they bulged and throbbed, then sucked at the surrounding flesh, leaving dusky red patches on its whiteness.

Then he lifted me higher, until I sat on the edge of the pool, spread my knees and pounced. He gorged on my slippery wet core, burying himself nose-deep, and his tongue was everywhere at once – circling my lips, pressing my clit, poking my opening urgently and hungrily. He feasted on me until I could bear no more and I kicked up a lather, trying to hoist myself back from the brink of an orgasm I didn't want from him. But he was not having it, and he held fast to my thighs, retreating a fraction to bite and suck and leave marks on their soft insides before returning to his cruel pleasuring of me. We both knew that if he made me come, he had won, won, won and he kept up the pressure until I had nowhere to go but orgasm. I came, I swore, he conquered.

He laughed up at me, his whiskers flattened down by damp, his face shiny slick.

'Jakey,' he called over to our avid voyeur, 'fetch us a couple of those floats, would you?'

'What for?' I gasped, still recovering from his oral onslaught.

'Shuffle back, lie down and you'll see,' he said, finally removing his trunks, inside the pouch of which he had cunningly hidden a condom wrapper. He levered himself out of the water and stood at the poolside, dripping down all over my supine body, eating it up with his eyes while his teeth tore a corner in the foil package.

I strained my neck to look over at the jacuzzi again. Maria was fucking Jade from behind with a strap-on dildo, while Lincoln seemed to have persuaded the lesbian member of the party that she really ought to at least taste a man's cock before she rejected the idea outright.

Jake returned with the oval polystyrene floats. Lloyd skinned on the condom, crouched down and parted my legs, placing the floats between my thighs.

'These tiles are hard on the knees,' he explained, kneeling down and spreading my lips with a finger and thumb. 'I don't want to be thinking about my knees while I'm giving you the fucking of your life, Soph, do I?'

'Don't set your bar too high,' I cautioned him sulkily. I still could not quite find it in myself to give in to him gracefully.

'Never mind all of the others who were here before me,' he said, dipping his tip into my juices and swirling them around. 'If this is going to be my first and last time with you, I'm going to see that you remember it.'

'I think I probably will,' I squeaked, raising my bottom from the tiles when I felt his crown begin to open and spread me.

'But the thing is,' he said, his voice strained as he pushed and stretched, easing in and up, 'I don't think it will be the last time.'

'Don't fucking count on it,' I snapped. 'Ohhh.' God, it felt good. I was filled to the brim, pinned beneath him. I could see now that much of his stockiness was down to muscle, though there was some evidence of a love of the other sensual pleasures of life around his middle and hips. I like substantial weight on top of me, though, and he fitted me better than those gangling angular boys I so often went for. I lifted my thighs and rubbed them up and down his sides, my feet occasionally tapdancing on his bottom.

'Keep still,' he growled, and then he held me down, his hands on my shoulders, and I almost came then and there, while he pulled very slowly back out, very, very slowly, setting every single nerve ending inside me jangling.

'Oh, don't!' The words tumbled out quick and sharp. 'Don't!'

'Don't what? Don't pull out? Do you want this, Sophie?'

'Yes, please, keep going.'

He grinned. 'Beg me.'