“But you love me.”

“Yes. I do.”

“So you’ll say yes?”

Vanessa saw two lives stretch out ahead of her. One was full of laughter and love and sex and companionship. The other was empty of it. One person stood in front of the first option—Dafydd, the gatekeeper of hell.

He wouldn’t, absolutely wouldn’t, be allowed to ruin her life for her.

Somehow, she would get rid of him.

After all, he hadn’t even spoken to her at the rehearsal, hadn’t confronted her about not showing up in the park that morning. Perhaps, in the cold light of day, he had finally realised that his behaviour was unreasonable and he should let Vanessa go. Yes, that must be it. He must have come to his senses. Not before time.

“Yes,” she said, her voice sounding foreign to her. “Yes, why not?”

Ben punched the air and hissed, “Yesss!” before yanking Vanessa to her feet and clamping her into a bonecrushing hug, then an intense kiss.

“Put the ring on,” he urged, releasing his grip on her.

She sat back down, a little winded.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, falling on his knees on the sofa beside her. “I forgot you were ill. Euphoria of the moment. Oh my God. I’m going to be your husband. Mr Vanessa. I can’t believe it. Wow.”

This should be one of the happiest moments of my life, thought Vanessa, adjusting her silk scarf. And I am happy. I love him. I want him for the rest of my life. But…

She opened the box and took out the elegant solitaire. Just her taste. He knew her so well.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, smiling up at him, still tearful. “You’re such a clever boy.” She slipped it on her finger, finding that it fitted perfectly.

He took the hand and held it to his lips, kissing the fingertips, then the ring.

“We’re officially engaged,” he whispered.

“Can you be married and engaged at the same time?” wondered Vanessa.

“You’ll see a lawyer, won’t you?”

“The appointment’s already made,” she said, truthfully.

“That’s fantastic! You must have had a premonition.”

“It had to be done. I have to get Dafydd out of my life, once and for all.”

“Out with the old,” said Ben softly, putting his lips to her cheek and sliding her into his arms.

“In with the young,” she joked with a tired smile.

Ben pinched her and she yelped, flapping her hands at his chest.


“Just celebrating my engagement.” He pushed her down, pinning her to the sofa while she squirmed and giggled.

“Celebrate with a bit more decorum, can’t you? I’ve got prosecco in the fridge—go and open the bottle.”

“Awesome! You’re feeling better, then?”

She sat up once he’d let go of her, adjusting herself.