“We’ll see, then, shall we? First question.”

Lydia gave it some thought.

“Was it Hans who introduced you to BDSM?”

“Oh, now that’s an interesting one. Let me think about that. And in the meantime…”

He strode over to her chair and bent over her to drown her in a passionate kiss on the lips. While his mouth worked hers, he dropped his hand between her legs and began to trace exquisite, feather-soft patterns between her lower lips. She sighed and squirmed, but there was no escape from his touch. The more she writhed, the more inescapable it was, until he rubbed her clit with slow, firm strokes.

She tried to bite down on his lip, but he prevented her, exerting effortless control. As he probed with his tongue, he let his fingers follow suit, inserting one, then two, then even three inside her. She was flooded with her wetness, faint with the building tension.

She came in a rush, her whole body twisting and shaking.

Von Ritter broke their lip contact and stroked her cheek, smiling at her with misty eyes.

“Hans,” he said. “That’s kind of a long story. I’ll try to cut it down for you.”

Lydia tried to gather the remnants of her floating wits. She might be in a post-orgasmic haze, but it hadn’t affected her curiosity.

“You’ll be surprised,” he said after a pause. “Hans didn’t put BDSM in my head—it had been there since I was an adolescent. I had fantasies of things I would like to do to Petra, but I didn’t dare raise the subject. So I tried to let it go.”

“Maybe Petra would have been into it,” suggested Lydia.

“Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I went to sea and I met Hans.”

“Was it an immediate attraction?”

“For me it was. He had a very pretty face, you know. He was very unsuited to the seafaring life, quite precious, artistic, he liked his comforts.”

“He sounds like Milan,” said Lydia.

Von Ritter barked out a laugh.

“Perhaps a little. He hated every minute of his national service. When we got together, I found him crying in his bunk. He had had an argument with a commanding officer over something very trivial. I went to comfort him and somehow we ended up kissing… But of course, there is very little privacy on a ship, so we both tried to laugh it off, pretend it hadn’t happened.”


“Very. But then we had shore leave, in Hamburg. We went to the Reeperbahn together and watched a blue movie in an adult cinema. The movie was a gay S&M feature. Hans suggested we might try some of that stuff and we went to a cheap hotel room and…tried some of that stuff.”

“Which stuff? Who topped?”

“This isn’t making you uncomfortable?” said von Ritter dryly. “Some girls wouldn’t like to hear about this.”

“I’m not if you’re not. Like I said, I want to know you better. If it’s too painful, though…”

“No, it’s fine. But talking of painful…that was a painful night.”

“Did he top, then?”

“He did. He didn’t like pain, or any kind of discomfort.”

“Oh my God, so you were the sub?”

“Yes. And I quite enjoyed it, I must say. For one thing, it was very valuable for me to feel the sensations I wanted to inflict. I wanted to understand what might be going through the mind of a submissive. I certainly found out.”

“But did it arouse you?”

“Yes, because of course I was in love with Hans. Whatever he wanted to do to me turned me on.”