Milan took his hands away from his face and looked long and hard at Lydia. “It would be nice to be at the centre of somebody’s life,” he said petulantly.

“Milan, you are at the centre of mine. Right at the bullseye.”

Appropriately enough, given how often I want to throw darts at you.

“But it’s too crowded there. How can you have more than one bullseye?”

Lydia wriggled her way into his arms. “You’re right,” she said. “I need to choose. But things have got complicated with Karl-Heinz. I think he needs someone to be there for him at the moment. It’s not a good time to…”

She trailed off. She realised that she had given Milan her decision. She had chosen him.

“So you will leave him?” Milan picked up on it straight away. “Maybe I can find him somebody else. Another lover. He likes the submissives, right? I’ll see who is available.”

“Milan,” sighed Lydia. “Don’t go setting up any honeytraps. It’s not that simple. He’s told me things in confidence that he wouldn’t share with somebody new.”

“Oh yes? Sailor boy has skeletons?”

“Keep your big nose out,” said Lydia. “And tell me about you and Hackmeyer.”

“I don’t like to talk about that bastard.” Milan removed his arms from Lydia and lay back down on his side, facing away from her.

“I know. But why? What did he do to you?”

“It’s his fault I have had to spend all these years stuck in orchestras when I should have had a solo career.”

Lydia leaned over his shoulder, her breasts pressing into his back. “Really? I always wondered about that. You’re so good. You have to tell me what happened.”

“It’s a long story.”

“The night is young.”

Milan turned onto his back and grabbed hold of Lydia, crushing her down on his chest. “I’d rather make love to you again,” he whispered seductively.

“Not until I’ve heard this story.”


Lydia felt the stroking of his hand on her flank then it moved in between her thighs, already hot and damp from the earlier sex.

“Really,” she said decisively, although she couldn’t pull his hand away because her arms were caught underneath her, pressed against Milan’s chest.

“I’ll do everything you like the best,” he wheedled. “I’ll make you come until you faint.”

“Christ,” said Lydia with feeling. “I’m not sure I’m up for that, to be honest.”

“Oh, it used to be so easy to make you do what I want,” complained Milan. “What happened to you?”

“You did.”

“I created a monster.” He pouted and kissed the tip of her nose.

“You’ve made me stronger. And now I can match you.”

“Oh, what have I done?” he groaned. “Okay. But this story needs coffee. A lot of coffee. I’ll go and make some.”

A little later, sitting up in bed with tousled hair and a cup of strong Italian coffee, Milan was ready to begin.

“You know I studied in Paris, right?”