But he put his finger to my lips.

‘Hush, let’s talk about this later. First we have to do this scene.’

I smiled and nodded.

Rosie and Dimitri put aside their bottle and came to take over the cameras. I had a feeling our scene might be a little shaky, with a lot of random zooming and blurring, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t about the quality of the film. It was about the quality of us.

‘OK, Trix,’ said Jasper, as she took her centre-stage seat again, still clad in the dove-grey suit. ‘I’ve talked you through the script changes. I’m still pissed off with you for giving Rosie away over my head, but I’ve brought you a new little offering as well – our Sarah here. So it’ll be a double spanking finale, instead of just you and me.’

‘Message received and understood,’ she said with a gracious smile.

‘And Sarah,’ he said to me, ‘all you have to do is what you’re told. No words beyond the odd “yes, sir”, “no, sir”. Is that all right?’

I nodded again, more nervous now.

‘OK. Cameras on. Let’s go.’

Trix straightened her back and Jasper walked into shot, his hand on my shoulder, moving me along with him.

‘Oh, sir!’ fluttered Trix, jumping to her feet. ‘What an unexpected pleasure. I thought you were overseas. And you’ve brought me something lovely, I see.’

‘Sit down,’ he said sternly.

Her face fell and she cowered back on to her chair.


‘Yes, I was overseas. I was brokering a deal with a very respected client. He had just signed on the dotted line.’

‘That’s marvellous news. Which girl did he decide on?’

Jasper left the hint of a pause before saying, ‘Rosie.’

Trix overacted a bit, her face registering pantomime horror.

‘Oh, lord! Oh, I’m so sorry, sir. So very sorry.’

‘You will be. How dare you go over my head like that?’

‘I thought you’d be pleased. It was a very good deal and the Russian gentleman was very … insistent.’

‘The Russian gentleman is not your master. I am. Now, first things first. Let me introduce you to Sarah, who will be joining our happy little haven of kink. I’m sure you’ll find her obedient. Won’t she, Sarah?’

‘Yes, sir,’ I said, in answer to a little nudge.

‘As you can see, she is built to be used. Look at these.’

He stood behind me, cupping my breasts, stroking the nipples with devilish fingertips until they buzzed with sensation.

‘They’ll take a clamp very well, sir.’

‘I’m sure they will. I’ll leave you to train her in that respect. Turn around, Sarah.’

I shifted so that I faced Jasper.

He grabbed my bottom so suddenly and so aggressively that I squeaked.

‘What was that, Sarah? Did you have something to say to us?’