And he went on watching me until we’d drained our glasses and were back in our positions for scene two.

Trix and Dimitri both looked mouthwatering in sharp suits – Trix’s dove-grey with a pencil skirt and cream silk shirt; Dimitri in a black single-breasted number and a long skinny tie. He looked so unlike himself that I almost did a double-take. Rosie had styled his unruly hair with lots of gel and he looked quite menacing, all glittering eyes and sharp cheekbones. I couldn’t decide if evil Dimitri was more or less sexy than crazy boho Dimitri. I called it a draw.

Then Rosie came in, avoiding all eye contact, hugging her middle, and my jaw dropped. God, that underwear set was more than rude. It was utterly, extravagantly filthy. She looked amazing.

The little pearly silver clamps dropped prettily from perfectly defined nipples, peeking from the black wet-look bra. Her bottom had recovered from the flogging but still carried a faint pink tinge, blending gorgeously with the black strapping at the rear of her crotchless knickers. She was something to be gorged on, to be gawped at and gloated over.

It was obvious that Dimitri felt the same, his hands constantly wandering to her, fingertips travelling lightly down her spine and brushing the curves of her bottom. What I was more interested in, though, was Jasper’s reaction.

‘Very, very nice,’ he purred. ‘Perfect.’

He was impressed, but he didn’t sound as if he was about to collapse with lust. He gave me a quick glance and said, ‘Why haven’t you ever worn that?’

‘I don’t suppose I can, now,’ I said, feeling the disappointment in the words.

‘Rosie can keep that one. I’ll get you another set.’

‘It’s a deal.’

I smiled at Rosie, my heart high in my ribcage. Jasper’s reaction to her appearance had been to imagine me in the same get-up. I had nothing to fear. Nothing at all.

I took a deep breath, switched on my camera and prepared to enjoy the show.

And there was a lot to enjoy, although the action was less seamless than in the previous scene. The energy between Rosie and Dimitri was such that we had to keep cutting because they were about to burst into either laughter or flames. Dimitri and Trixietots were as professional as you’d expect, but Rosie’s nerves got the better of her at times and she lapsed into embarrassed giggles when Dimitri played the ‘inspection of the goods’ scene.

All the same, once she hit her stride, the scene was breathtakingly hot and sensual. There was sexual electricity between her and Dimitri that made their eyes spark and the air crackle. She offered herself willingly to him, and the sight of her surrendering herself, head thrown back, eyes shut, throat pale and vulnerable, would stay with me. Especially when he wrapped his hand, oh, so caressingly, around that exposed throat and made her open her eyes and look at him.

I thought I might faint. Then I thought of Jasper, and whether people saw the same chemistry with us. When I looked at him, he was transfixed by what was happening between his players. I could see that he barely dared to breathe, too excited by the scenes unfolding before his lens.

When Dimitri spanked Rosie, it was so obvious that they were lovers, delighting in each other, that Jasper had to stop filming and remind Dimitri that they were supposed to be meeting for the first time.

He stiffened his demeanour, but all the same, by the time the spanking was over, they had extended the scene beyond its script into a passionate kiss and an orgasm for Rosie, no longer shy about performing. No longer shy about anything.

Jasper applauded as Dimitri led Rosie off camera, after paying Trixietots a formal compliment on her excellent training of submissives.

The break was necessarily a long one. Rosie and Dimitri went straight upstairs and didn’t come down for nearly an hour.

‘Jasper,’ I whispered, coming up to his shoulder, wary of Trix over in the corner by the mirror, smoothing down her suit skirt.

‘I’d love to,’ he said absently, fiddling with the camera, ‘but I need to get ready for this next scene.’

‘What? No, I wasn’t propositioning you. Well, not like that, anyway.’

He turned his eyes to mine, amused.

‘No? Like what, then? I assumed that scene might have turned you on, since you aren’t made of stone.’

I cleared my throat. ‘Yeah, it did,’ I admitted. ‘And it made me think.’

‘What thoughts did it make you think, my lovely one?’ Jasper’s attention was wandering again, this time to his appearance. He straightened his tie, looking over towards the nearest mirror, and ran a hand over his already perfectly arranged hair.

‘It made me think that perhaps I … wouldn’t mind … being in this film.’

The preening came to an abrupt halt. He snapped right back into full attention mode.


‘Watching Rosie and Dimitri like that … well, it wasn’t nasty or sordid. It was really … quite beautiful.’