‘I have to leave a good long while between scenes now,’ she said regretfully. ‘Otherwise my hide just gets too tough.’

‘Doesn’t look it here,’ he said.

She had eight dark-red stripes across her bottom now, and it looked as if more were in the offing. The Captain’s caning arm didn’t tire easily.

‘Have you ever safeworded?’ I asked, wondering if perhaps she was some kind of superhuman with the power to take indefinite spankings.

‘Oh, yes. Not so much these days. But I used to, all the time. I didn’t really understand my limits and I’m afraid I used to brag a lot about how much I could take. I disappointed more than one dom. But I’ve learned my lesson there now.’

She seemed to have done so in the film too, for her character suddenly broke into sobs and begged for mercy. It had been eleven strokes.

The Captain, the swine, laid on a twelfth regardless, then put down his cane.

The film ended with her on her knees at his feet, a close-up of her ravaged bottom underneath the credits.

‘Well?’ said Trix.

Dimitri and Rosie were in no mood to offer a review, apparently, being joined at the mouth with hands in various unmentionable places.

‘I thought that was very well done,’ said Jasper. ‘Much higher production values than I usually see in these things. Good camera work, nice costumes and I like the set-up too. I’d like to meet your friends, I think.’

‘Oh, they’d be thrilled! We’ll have to meet for coffee at Kinky Cupcake.’

‘Yes, we will. Perhaps I could offer some free consultancy. Maybe direct a little piece for them.’

Trix was ecstatic and I smiled at her excitement, through the agony of my unassuaged horniness.

‘In the meantime,’ he said, looking at Rosie and Dimitri, ‘I think we could all do with a little lie-down.’

I could have wept with relief.

After Rosie and Dimitri had staggered safely into their room, and Trix had opted to spend some time reading in the library, I finally had Jasper to myself.

‘Do you wish I had her endurance?’ I asked, perching on the end of our four-poster.

‘Not at all,’ he said.

He had opened his toy chest. That was a good sign.

‘It wouldn’t be much fun if it didn’t hurt you, would it?’ He twisted his head round to grin wickedly at me. My clit couldn’t take any more. My thighs trembled.

‘I want you to cane me,’ I said suddenly.

‘I can do that for you,’ he said, rummaging. I could hear the smile in his voice.

‘Until I safeword,’ I clarified.

This was reckless, and I knew it, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

He turned around, cane in hand, and sat with his back to the chest. He looked a little anxious and my heart expanded at a painful rate.

‘Really?’ he said.

‘I want to know how it feels. I want to know where it is. My limit, I mean.’

‘Sarah, it’s more than a physical limit, you know. Much as I love to hurt you in other places, I don’t want to hurt you here.’ He put a hand on his heart.

‘You won’t. I trust you. I know you’ll stop when I ask you to.’