‘Mm, same problem as the first,’ said Rosie uncertainly.

‘That’s just a problem in your head. Believe me, the viewers – and remember, it’s only us – will be sliding down in their seats with lust when they see you.’

‘Do you really think so?’

‘I know so! Look at you, girl! You’re gorgeous.’

‘I need to tone up, though,’ she moaned.

‘Oh, tone up, schmone up. Nobody’s going to be looking at your abs.’

She laughed at that, then stopped abruptly and said, ‘Oh, God. Am I really doing this? And are you, Sarah Uptight Wells, really encouraging me to take part in a porn film? It’s too surreal. I can’t get my head round it.’

‘Do you think you’ll regret it?’ It was a genuine question. I had got over my qualms about making sexy films with Jasper, but this seemed a step further, over a border into something else.

She reached out and fingered the material of the underwear set.

‘I don’t think so,’ she said. ‘After everything I’ve done with Dimitri at the club … it’s no different, except it’s being filmed. As long as it doesn’t end up on YouTube.’

‘It won’t. Jasper’s really careful about that sort of thing.’ I felt a twinge, remembering the affair of the sex tape that Will had stolen. But that was a one-off piece of bad luck.

‘Good. OK. Outfits two and three. Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome.’

Dimitri high-fived me as I walked out of the room, putting a goofy smile on my face. I picked up my basket and fled.

Downstairs, Jasper and Trix were discussing the finer points of camera work, Trix taking a curious turn behind the camera, trying to make a film of Jasper doing exaggerated modelling poses on the Turkish rug.

‘Ah, special delivery,’ he said, taking his hand away from the tie knot he’d been tugging on while pouting at the lens in a what he probably hoped was a sultry manner. ‘Let’s see the goods. Are Dimitri and Rosie coming down any time today?’

He rummaged in the basket, making little sounds of approval and delight at each new discovery.

‘Rosie was having a wardrobe crisis,’ I said. ‘All sorted now.’

‘Good. Right. Let’s set up, then. Sarah, I’m going to put you on that camera over there. Just keep filming, basically. Zoom in now and then if you feel it’ll help. No need for anything fancy, just keep things steady.’

‘Yes, sir,’ I said, glad to have my position made clear.

‘Trix, you’re on the chaise-longue, looking vampy. Come on, I know you can manage that.’

She could.

Dimitri and Rosie came down together about ten minutes later.

Rosie was in the French maid’s outfit and she looked deliciously saucy. I half wanted to put her over my knee myself. It was clear she wasn’t wearing knickers – the low curve of her bottom cheeks peeked out of the tulle petticoats every time she bent even slightly. Long suspenders showed off her pale thighs, ending at the fishnet stocking tops. She wasn’t wearing shoes, which I expected Jasper to pick her up on, but he didn’t.

‘Right, is everyone OK with lines?’ asked Jasper.

Trix and Rosie both said they were.

‘Good. Rosie, you start this scene kneeling in front of Trix. Off you go. And … action.’

Trix straightened her back and her face turned in an instant from mild and friendly to cold and stern. I was impressed. She always seemed such a natural sub, and here she was, practically all domme.

‘Rosie, you know why I have called you to me, don’t you?’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ Rosie’s voice was quiet, only just audible. She would have to speak up.