But, for now, I had a task. I had to select items for the movie, and this was easy enough. I grabbed half a dozen spanking implements, from the teasers to the serious stuff, then rummaged for other entertainments. Jasper liked to add little touches here and there, so it would be as well to have a variety of props on hand. Lubricant seemed like an obvious choice. A beautiful pair of antique nipple clamps with pearl teardrops dangling from the silver rings. An elaborately figured collar and leash. These were probably the extent of Rosie’s experimentations in a public setting, but Trix and Jasper would probably want to go all-out for the final scene. What could I provide that would satisfy their wilder desires?

A green marble dildo caught my eye, so elegant in design that you could imagine having it as an ornament on your mantel. Furthermore, it had a matching butt plug. Jasper had never used these on me, and I wondered for a moment if perhaps they were too precious for actual use. I put them back and brought out instead some less attractive but more modern versions, still in their packaging. I wasn’t going to make Trix share something as intimate as that. Besides, perhaps the marble numbers had been used before, on some sweet submissive of years gone by. I imagined a big-eyed flapper girl bending for her beau, a moustachioed chap in a boater and striped blazer.

Would that be all? I hadn’t included any bondage gear. Perhaps I ought to. I took out a pretty harness of plaited silk rope, joined at strategic points with silver rings. I had no idea how this would be worn, but it looked good.

I put my selections into the laundry basket and set off for the filming suite.

Dimitri and Rosie were quiet now, but their door still stood open.

To my consternation, I noticed as I drew level with it that Dimitri was leaning up against the door jamb, half-dressed in ripped jeans and nothing else. His face was still a little red from previous exertions, but there was a dark look in his eye.

‘Ah,’ he cried, brightening. ‘Sarah. This is good. You can help us.’

‘Oh, can I? How?’

‘Rosie will not decide what to wear. I have my idea but she says she is not sure. I think a woman’s eye, yes?’

‘Oh. All right.’ I put down my basket and edged into the room, trying hard not to gawp at Dimitri’s glorious bare chest on the way past.

Rosie sat on the extremely unmade bed, wearing only a towel and looking with bleak desperation at three outfits hanging from the canopy of the four-poster.

‘What do you think, Sarah?’ she said. ‘I can’t make my mind up. Or there are others, in the closet over the way. But these are my favourites so far.’

Outfit one was essentially a piece of camouflage netting made into a dress – although the net was of an elasticated material, like fishnet but with wider holes. It would leave nothing to the imagination, and was quite practical from the point of clipping rings and hooks and suchlike to it. Perhaps it could be useful.

‘I’d wear underwear with that,’ she said.

‘Oh, surely no need,’ I said. ‘I think underwear for clubbing, no underwear for kinky scenes.’

‘Then I can’t wear it,’ she wailed. ‘It’s too revealing.’

‘But you’ll be showing everything anyway, at some point or other.’

She pursed her lips.

‘I know,’ she muttered.

‘Hey. If you don’t want to, nobody’s going to make you.’

‘It’s OK. It’s not coyness or anything like that. Just boring body hang-ups.’

‘There’s nothing at all wrong with your body. It’s lovely.’

‘That’s what Dimitri said,’ she replied, sounding a bit cross. ‘But you don’t see it the way I do. The way I’ll see it on film.’

‘Well … I don’t want to get into this. You’ll look good in whatever. I like the middle outfit for scene one – very appropriate.’

‘Yeah,’ she said, reaching out to finger its satiny skirt. It was a version of a French maid’s outfit, very brief, with tulle petticoats underneath the tiny flared skirt and a lacy apron to be worn separately over the top. The maid’s dress had a corseted top that ended below the bust. The apron, which was sheer and white, could go some way to covering the breasts, but if it was removed they would be completely bare.

‘Since you’re meant to be serving Trix in that scene,’ I reminded her. ‘It’s definitely the best one for that bit.’

‘Yeah,’ she repeated. ‘OK. I’ll wear it for the first part.’

‘And I really like this for meeting your new owner,’ I said, looking at outfit three. It was an underwear set made of a wet-look black material I couldn’t identify. The bra had gauzy peepholes for the nipples and the knickers had no back, just a set of black straps that would frame the bottom perfectly. Between bra and knickers was a shiny corset-style suspender belt to attach to a pair of stockings.

‘You’ll look seriously rude in that,’ I said. ‘Imagine Dimitri seeing you for the first time wearing it.’
