He got up, came to sit beside me and took my hands in his. The cane lay behind us on the duvet.

‘Yes, of course. But I have to trust you, too. Not to be foolish and to go further than you really should, out of some silly idea of making me proud of how much you can take. So if you can promise me, solemnly, tha

t you won’t do that …’

His perfect reading of the situation brought tears to my eyes. I was so lucky to have found him.

‘Ah,’ he said gently, sliding a finger under my eyes to catch the drips. ‘Look. Trix, and what she can do, and what she can take, is totally irrelevant to us, OK? I don’t care if you run away screaming after one stroke. You can’t disappoint me, because I love you. You do understand that, don’t you?’

I nodded, sniffing. ‘I do. God, I really love you.’

‘I know. Now, tell me what you want, and be truthful this time.’

‘I want you to do what you want with me. I really do.’

‘Right. Well. In that case.’ He kissed my cheeks and then my lips. ‘You’d better get your kit off, my girl.’

My wobble of insecurity passed like a cloud on a brisk spring day. Sunshine again. Sunshine and sex.

Moments later, I was naked and bent over a buttoned plush footstool. Jasper, still clothed and with cane in hand, paced up and down in front of me.

‘You should be careful what you wish for, Sarah,’ he said. ‘You asked for a caning, and that film has put me in the mood to deliver one. So I’m giving you six of the best. And believe me, they will be the very best. You may well come close to your limits, or even crash right up against them. And if you do, you will let me know. Is that quite clear? Because if you don’t … and this isn’t a threat I’d make lightly … I won’t spank you again for months. Perhaps years. And then what would my poor Sarah do? Imagine the frustration.’

‘I’d rather not,’ I quavered.

‘No warm-up,’ he said. ‘It will hurt.’

‘I know.’

‘You know. You’re a brave girl. I’m always proud of you. Nothing will change that. Now, are you ready?’

I nodded and clenched my fists. But everything seemed so complicated. This had turned into a test. If I took all six, did I pass? Or was he hoping I’d safeword, to prove I wasn’t trying too hard? Which was the right answer? It was too difficult.

But one thing wasn’t difficult. My clear, urgent, straightforward arousal.

I decided I would go with that. I would let it take me where it wanted to go.

Jasper enjoyed himself with the usual swishing and tapping and lining up, letting each little gesture of terrorism sink in before moving on to the next.

My stomach was all butterflies, but my pussy throbbed with need. The need to be beaten, to be taken and owned and proven his.

Yes, the first stroke was pure agony and my cries might well have reached the ears of our guests. But the aftermath, as ever, made it all worthwhile and I breathed through the sting, feeling the fierce bar of heat rising on my skin, embracing it.

‘What do you say?’ said Jasper lightly, running the cane tip along the stripe.

This was a trick question. Safeword? Or …

‘Thank you, sir,’ I muttered, and he sighed with pleasure.

‘All right,’ he said. ‘Let’s try that again.’

I felt stronger now. I knew that I had tasted the worst and this would, at least, not hurt more than that. It was only six. Only six.

Trix could take forty-two!

Stop thinking about Trix, you idiot.

The second stroke jolted me close to the line. I knew I hated the cane. Why had I asked for it? What the hell was wrong with me?