‘Ouch,’ was about the only reply possible.

‘I once took a girl down here,’ he reminisced. ‘An experienced submissive, she was. I wouldn’t do this kind of thing with you yet. I took her down to the water’s edge.’

The spreading sting of my hot, slippery bottom, together with the continuing hail of smacks, made it hard to focus on anything else, but I tried my best to follow Jasper’s anecdote anyway.

‘I gave her a pair of gloves to put on, then I made her pick a handful of nettles.’

‘Oh, God. I hate them.’ Childhood memories of being stung on the legs while I tried to negotiate an overgrown footpath crowded into my mind, adding somehow to the pain I was already experiencing.

‘Yes, so did she.’ He took some time to enjoy his memory, though the spanking carried on, its sound effects echoing over the lake until I thought it must be making ripples. ‘I made her lie on the rug and I put the gloves on and I pressed them on to her arse cheeks. My God, did she wriggle and thrash. The sting lasted hours, she said. But it made her ragingly horny. She got quite into it, after that. Used to like it when I made her stuff them down her knickers and wear them to the shops. We’d always end up having to take a break for a quickie in the car.’

The spanking stopped abruptly, Jasper appearing to need a moment or two to recover from his tantalising tale.

I thought about his ex-lovers. Were there many? Did they satisfy him better than I could? The sting of this thought exceeded anything my bottom might endure, though my bottom was admittedly red hot by now and I was ready for a lull.

‘Well,’ he said, tapping at my sore cheeks. ‘Maybe another time. Would you consider it?’

‘I might,’ I said, feeling that some stakes had been raised and staying in the game mattered more than anything.

‘Brave girl,’ he said. ‘You’re very, very red. It doesn’t take much with you. I suppose because you’re new to all this. Did you learn your lesson?’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘That was a punishment, pure and simple. But I can make it a lot more pleasurable than that. I’ll show you, maybe tonight.’

‘Tonight?’ I gritted my teeth at the thought of another spanking, so soon.

He stroked my tender skin.

‘This won’t last long,’ he said, somewhat regretfully. ‘You’ll have forgotten it happened by tonight.’

I rather thought not, but didn’t think contradicting him would be wise.

‘Of course, the lotion makes it worse. Perhaps I should put some more on now. I seem to have spanked it all off.’

I lay over his lap while he rubbed still more lotion, blissfully cool and soothing, into my punished posterior.

‘How’s that?’ he whispered.

I could tell how it was for him. A substantial bulge had been growing and hardening under my stomach throughout the spanking, and now it seemed to have reached critical mass.

‘Very good, Sir,’ I replied. ‘So good. Oh, God.’

‘As good as that?’ His fingers skirted the edges of my sex, so near and yet so far. I whimpered and jiggled my hips. ‘Do you know, I’ve known girls who could come just from being spanked. Isn’t that amazing? Or the idea of it. Didn’t even need to touch them.’

I was beginning to tire of his tales of super-duper submissives, to be honest. Why hold up these impossible paragons that I could never hope to emulate? It was irritating.

‘Bully for them,’ I snarked.

His massaging fingers stopped their work.

‘Talk to me,’ he said commandingly.

‘I … what? About what?’

‘What’s upsetting you? You’ll find that honesty is the cornerstone of a D/s relationship, my love. I won’t put up with passive-aggressive nonsense, or bottled up emotions. Everything has to be out in the open, or the whole dynamic gets hopelessly c
