‘Take them off,’ he said, leaning idly on the desk, watching me. ‘And the skirt. Go on.’

I don’t know why I obeyed him, but I did, standing before him half-naked, my hands clasped over my pubic triangle.

‘Good. You can work like that, can’t you? Go on then. And no touching yourself. I’ll know if you do.’

His gleaming heartless smile shooed me out of the study and back across the hallway.

I knelt down amongst the Sèvres porcelain, wincing as my strapped bottom touched my heels, and put my face in my hands for a long moment of orientation. I was breathless with lust, longing to touch myself. I had no idea how I was going to get through the rest of this afternoon with my clit swollen like a barrage balloon.

I picked up a vase and stared unseeingly at the painted figures on it, thinking of what had passed, thinking of Jasper and who he might be. What he might be to me.

I couldn’t make sense of it, though. The painted figures crystallised, a shepherd and a shepherdess cavorting on a hillside. What a simple life. I envied them.

I picked up my notes and set back to work, my bursts of activity frequently interrupted by an ever-present nag between my thighs and the sore, tight feeling in my bum cheeks.

Was he finding it difficult to work as well? He must have been turned on by it all or why would he have bothered? My nerves stood to attention at a click from his study door and I tried to look extra-busy.

‘That’ll do for today,’ he said, standing in the doorway, watching me. ‘I’m going to make dinner. Well, I’m going to order something in anyway. You need to get dressed for it.’

Dressed for dinner? I hadn’t brought anything like that with me.

‘It’s all right,’ he said, reading my thoughts. ‘I’ve picked something out for you. I’ll leave it on the bed. See you in the dining room at eight sharp.’

He left and I heard his footsteps on the stairs.

I replaced all the porcelain in the cabinets and went over to the window. Just as well nobody could see the house from the road, given my state of partial undress. Looking out at the gardens I thought, for the first time since his departure, of Will.

Where was he tonight?

I stood in the full-length glass arch and imagined Jasper had put me there, as a punishment, while out on the terrace his guests drank tea and ate cucumber sandwiches and played badminton on the lawns beyond. Occasionally they might look over at me and shake their heads, knowing that I was serving my punishment, squinting over for a glimpse of my strapped backside.

I shook the thought from my head before I was tempted to do anything about it. I wasn’t allowed to touch myself. Jasper had forbidden it.

This made things even worse, the knowledge of my helpless obedience to his will sending a thrill of pure lust through me.

I had to get to my bedroom while I still could.

I was avid with curiosity about this outfit he had picked out for me. Was it some kind of ballgown?

On the bed lay a strange little bundle of black lace.

It didn’t look like a dress.

I picked it up and held it out. It was some kind of all-in-one body-suit type thing, but with certain parts noticeably missing.

It took a long time to put on, because I kept mistaking armholes for crotch holes and so on, but eventually I prevailed and went to grimace at myself in the full-length mirror. Jesus. I looked utterly whorish.

My legs were the only part of me that were fully covered, in the stretch lace-patterned tights. At least, they were covered to the thigh and then strips of the material linked up with the upper part of the garment in a suspender effect, while the gaps exposed my pussy and my bottom and the sides of my thighs. My waist was nipped in by some cunningly situated embroidery and the plunging cleavage left most of my breasts on display, though my nipples hid behind lace rosettes.

It was a garment whose only function was to make one easily fuckable.

I twirled, noting the deep colour of my bottom, still, parts of it speckled with tiny bruises.

What was he going to do to me now?

Bend me over the table and have me.

My fingers brushed my little thatch of pubic hair, so close to skimming between my lower lips, but I resisted. No touching.