Page 31 of Lecture Notes

“Well…” I splutter, astonished that he even has to ask. “I know that girl….and…it’s obvious that you and me….you know….and having to get undressed and all that…” I trail off, overwhelmed by the memory.

“Are you ashamed to be seen with me?”

“No! It’s not that! It’s the way…you make it clear…how things are…” I can’t seem to explain any better than this. How did I get three grade As at A-Level? It’s a mystery.

“You think people look at us and realise immediately that I like to put you over my knee and give you a good spanking before I ravish you to the point of multiple orgasm?”

I blink. He is just too frightening sometimes.

“Yeah,” I mumble. “That kind of thing.”

“That’s good,” he smirks. “That’s what I want people to think. Because it’s true. Why would you deny it?”

“I’m not denying it.”

“It sounds as if you are. You have difficulty coming to terms with your own needs and desires, don’t you? Well, you’re young, I suppose. Did you have a religious upbringing?”

“I….kind of.”

“Hm, thought so. Classic case. You aren’t comfortable with your sexual feelings. You aren’t even comfortable with your body, are you?”

A plate of assorted sandwiches materialises on the table along with a pot of tea. The waitress is riveted, I can tell. Sigh. I might as well wear a flashing hat – ‘Yes, he is my lover not my dad.’

“I am,” I refute, futilely.

“Really? You don’t even know your body.”

“Yes I do! I’ve known it all my life!”

“How often do you masturbate?”

“I…that’s…I’m not answering that! You’re so rude!”

“Not such a prissy Miss when you’re in my bed, though, are you? Come on. Answer me. How often?”

“About…I dunno. Fairly often. Now and again.”

He sighs. “Daily?”

“Pretty much. Why do you want to know?”

“How do you do it?”


“Describe it for me. When you are quite alone and the urge strikes you…how do you go about it?”

I stare at him. He is tearing into a sandwich as if this is just any old conversation about house prices.

“Better still…show me. Put your hands down your knickers and give me a commentary.”

“I’m NOT going to…”

“Yes you are. Go on. No-one’s looking. Put your fingers down inside your knickers, and tell me how you do it.”

“You’re a really horrible man.”

“I know. Now do as you’re told, Beth, or I’ll put you over the table and smack your arse in front of all these people.”