
‘While we were fighting over it … I think one of us touched the screen at the wrong time and …’


‘It’s on fucking Facebook!’

‘No way. Give it here.’

But Jenna leapt up, staring at the screen as if she expected it to speak all the essential truths of the universe.

‘It has, you know,’ she wailed. ‘Oh sweet Jesus.’

‘Well, delete it then,’ said Jason.

‘It’ll be too late,’ she said, her eyes wild as she jabbed manically at every possible button. ‘Probably shared and tweeted and God knows what all over the world by now.’

‘Are you sure?’ said Jason doubtfully. ‘Don’t you need to press post or something?’

‘I think I did. Accidentally.’

The screen came up. The picture was indeed taking top billing in Jenna’s Facebook feed. It had already been shared twelve times.

‘Oh God.’

She pressed delete, but it seemed a bit pointless now. The picture was out there.

‘After all my efforts,’ she said after a long period spent with her head in her hands wh

ining like a kicked dog. ‘After everything I’ve done to keep the press off our backs, I go and do this, all by myself.’

‘Is it that bad?’

Jason had got up and was pacing, somewhat moodily, around the room.

She stared up at him.

‘Is it that bad?’

‘Well, what does it prove? That you’ve got a sex life. Big deal.’

‘I’m going to report myself to Facebook,’ she said feverishly. ‘But it’s too late again. This’ll be saved all over the place by now. The fucking thing will live forever.’

‘But what difference does it make, in the end?’ blurted Jason, sounding exasperated. ‘It’s not like you’re committing a crime.’

‘Oh yes it is,’ she said hollowly. ‘A PR crime. I’ve tarnished my image and I might never recover. This could spell the end of Talent Team. The Jenna Myatt Diamond brand is finished.’

‘Don’t be so daft. You’re overreacting, love. And besides, you’re not a brand. You’re a person. The only way you’ll ever be a Jenna Myatt Diamond Brand is if you marry Russell Brand. And I’m not having that, trust me.’

She laughed despite herself.

‘He’s a nice bloke, actually. You’d be surprised,’ she said.

‘Sex scandals never did him any harm,’ observed Jason.

‘No. But I’ve never made shagging around a part of my public persona, have I? I can’t get away with what he can.’

‘Double standards,’ said Jason. ‘Victorian values, still alive and kicking.’