Ugh, she knew straight away that he was going to make her talk about things she’d prefer not to. Such as butt plugs.

‘I sent Kayley to the shop instead of going myself.’

‘The shop? What, Asda?’

‘No, the … the special shop. The adult shop.’

‘The sex shop.’

‘That’s the one.’ She tried to suppress a little giggle of gratitude at his helpfully saying the word for her.

‘So, tell me why you did it, then.’

‘Because … You know why.’

‘OK, you didn’t want to be followed by photographers or whatever. But what was it about your little shopping trip that you didn’t want them to know?’

Jason was such a jerk sometimes, she thought crossly. There was no need for all this.

‘Can’t we just get on with the …?’ she muttered.

‘The what?’

She was trapped, whatever she did. She was going to have to say these awful things.

‘The whatever it is you’re going to do to me,’ she said smartly.

He laughed.

‘Uh uh. I don’t think that’s quite good enough, Jenna. Tell me what you made Kayley buy in the shop and I’ll consider it.’

She took a deep breath. ‘A butt plug.’

‘Good. Why didn’t you want to be seen buying it?’

Jenna clenched her fists and pressed them into the small of her back.

‘Isn’t it obvious?’ she hissed.

‘Maybe,’ he said. ‘And isn’t it obvious that I want to hear it from you? Go on.’

‘Because then they’d know. And everyone would know. And it would be the most embarrassing thing ever.’

‘What’s embarrassing about shoving things up your bum?’ Jason laughed. ‘To be honest, love, they’d probably think it was me getting the unexpected visitor. They’d peg you for a dominatrix. So to speak. Little pegging joke there.’

‘What’s pegging?’

‘Ah, so much to learn, my little one. I have much to teach you.’

‘And I don’t suppose it’s all eastern philosophy either.’

‘No, none of it, to be honest. Dunno why I was doing that accent really. Anyway.’ He seemed to snap out of his light humour and revert to sternness. ‘I’m not here for a bit of banter. I’m here to teach you a lesson. And that lesson is – do as Jason says. And if you don’t, confess before it’s too late.’

‘So it’s too late now?’

‘Much too late. Way, way past the confession deadline.’
