‘This afternoon you’re going to that shop I sent you to before. Remember it?’

Jenna did her best to nod, Jason’s cock sliding around in her mouth. Of course she remembered it. The hot embarrassment of walking through the door. The flaring up of her cheeks as she flipped through racks of cheap, tarty underwear. The lowering of her eyes as she placed her purchases on the counter.

‘Good. ’Cos you’re going there again. And this time you’re going to buy a butt plug.’

She made an inarticulate noise of alarm, almost dropping Jason from her mouth as she glared upwards.

‘No, I mean it. But don’t worry. Not a big one. I don’t want you getting stretched back there. That’s going to be my job.’

She continued to stare, Jason’s prick resting on her lower lip.

He patted her cheek.

‘Get back to work, love. You can listen and suck at the same time, can’t you?’

She closed her mouth and sucked again, rather angrily, as if attempting to extract all the flavour from an ice pop.

‘That’s nice,’ he said, after a pause to let his eyes widen and roll back with pleasure. ‘Keep it up.’

She kept it up, her stomach in knots at the thought of going back to That Shop.

Gasping slightly, Jason continued. ‘Just the smallest plug they’ve got,’ he said. ‘Something that slips in nice and easy, but doesn’t let you forget it’s there. That’s what you’re wearing tonight, babe. That’s what you’ll be doing when you dress for dinner. And I won’t be able to think about anything else … fuck.’

He clutched at Jenna’s hair and thrust his pelvis forwards. The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, causing her eyes to water.

‘Get it down you,’ he urged, as the creamy thickness spurted into Jenna’s mouth. She took his urgent back and forth movement as steadily as she could, cupping his balls while they emptied into her.

She seemed to swallow gallons of the stuff, but it couldn’t have been that much in reality. How was he so full of it? Morning, noon and night he poured his seed into her, and still there was more. There’d be more of it again tonight, and …

She clenched her buttocks.

Oh God, was he serious?

He held her chin as he pulled out, wiping her mouth with a gentle thumb. He dropped a soft kiss on her numbed lips.

‘I liked my present,’ he said. ‘Can’t wait for the rest.’

‘Do I really have to …?’

He put a finger to her lips.

‘Hush. If I said it, I meant it. You know me, babe. Now get yourself on that bed and spread your legs good and wide. I’m hungry, and I’m ready for my lunch.’

Chapter Six

AN HOUR LATER, thoroughly licked and rather lazily spanked – (‘I’m saving myself for later, yeah?’) – Jenna made her way through the press phalanx to her car.

Everybody had a question for her, about the return of Deano Diamond. Nobody was asking about Jason and his amazing art show.

She ignored them all and drove away at speed, almost running over the foot of an over-eager camera man.

Twenty minutes out of Bledburn, she parked up at a local beauty spot and took out her mobile phone. She turned it over and over in her hand, then looked over her shoulder. There were other cars, stationary at the top of the lane that led to the little viewpoint. Press. Following her.

She couldn’t possibly let them follow her to the sex shop.

She’d told Jason this would happen, but he’d been dismissive.

‘You can lose them, can’t you? They’re not fucking MI5.’