‘Babe, when you’re paying what I’m paying, you can turn up to lunch in a bin liner. Don’t sweat it. And sorry about calling you “babe”. I know it makes me sound like a dick, but I don’t know your name.’


‘Kayley.’ She was really having trouble breathing now. This was just too much.

At least they were away from the youth club now, and on the high road out of the estate.

‘Ah.’ Deano sat back, throwing back his head, shutting his eyes. ‘Kayley. Of course.’

‘What? You don’t know me.’

‘I don’t know you, but I know of you. You work for Jenna, right?’

‘Right,’ said Kayley slowly, suddenly seeing how this fantasy-turned-reality might land her in an awkward situation.

‘I did see you at the private view, but it was all a bit …’ He threw his hands up in the air, and sat straight abruptly, turning the smile up to full beam. ‘You know.’

‘She wasn’t expecting you.’

‘I gathered. And I was surprised. It’s not like Jen. She’s always been prepared for every single eventuality. It’s rare for something to catch her unawares. I thought she’d at least have briefed security. But no. It seems like I was out of sight, out of mind.’

He sighed.

‘She’s had a lot on her plate,’ said Kayley warily, hoping she wasn’t about to be enlisted as a go-between.

‘Hasn’t she just? New house, new man, new life. Apparently. Who is this guy? I’ve been worried sick about her.’

Deano’s eyes were so full of soul Kayley thought he might ascend through the car roof to the heavens above. He had to be sincere, didn’t he?

‘Jason’s sound,’ she said. ‘He wasn’t always an angel but he’s got a lot going for him now, with the art and all that.’

‘And his rich, connected new girlfriend and all that,’ added Deano with a bitter laugh. ‘Landed on his feet there, eh?’

‘You think he’s out for what he can get?’

‘Well, don’t you?’ Deano edged closer, putting a hand on her wrist.

She looked down at the rings on his hand. One of them was a wedding ring, a glinting platinum band. She’d never seen Jenna wearing hers.

‘No,’ she said flatly, and she turned away.

I’m turning away from Deano Diamond. I’m giving him ‘fuck off’ body language. What the …?

‘OK, OK, I’m sorry,’ said Deano, removing his hand. ‘Jason’s a friend of yours. I get it.’

‘It’s not just that. He really loves her, all right? Really.’

She cringed into the silence. No doubt Deano would be ordering Sergio to stop the car at any minute, and inviting her on to the pavement. This didn’t seem to be what he wanted to hear.

‘And her?’ Deano’s words barely broke the stillness, a fearful whisper over the purr of the engine.

She turned back to him, sympathetic now, seeing the anxiety emanating from him in jagged waves.

‘Sorry,’ she said gently. ‘But yes. From what I can make out, she’s bang into him.’

He winced.

‘Rebound,’ he said, but he didn’t sound as confident now.