‘Take it easy, eh?’ implored Mia. ‘We’re not going to be much help if we’re dead.’

‘Sorry,’ said Ross. ‘I hardly ever drive this thing any more. I keep forgetting how quickly you can accelerate. And the gears … shit.’

The aforementioned gears crunched horribly and Ross had to stop in the next layby to recover his nerves.

‘This is the right way?’ said Jason, looking out over the darkening fields.

‘I though

t you said you’d been there,’ said Ross.

‘Yeah, but I was on foot, over the fields. It doesn’t seem right without barging through a load of cows.’

‘It’s the right way,’ Ross said tersely, then took a deep breath and studied Jason’s face. ‘Hey, didn’t I see you on the local news? The artist?’

Jason smirked despite his anxieties.

‘Might’ve done,’ he said coyly.

‘Yeah, it was you. And … you’re seeing Jenna Diamond then?’

‘Myatt,’ growled Jason. ‘She doesn’t go by Diamond any more.’

‘Right. Nice work.’ He gave Jason a look of frank admiration. ‘But you were at the cottage with her ex?’

‘I know it sounds weird. Deano’s a bit of a dick but I think he’s a sound bloke when it comes right down to it. Just got used to having his arse kissed all day and night. I’m not saying I’m his number one fan, but I don’t think he deserves to be beaten up and worse by Harville and his charming friends.’

‘You think Harville might kill him?’

‘I think Harville is off his nut enough to do anything,’ said Jason grimly. ‘C’mon, drive.’

Ten minutes of stalling, bunny-hopping and rubber-burning later, they pulled up in the lane just beyond the cottage driveway.

‘OK,’ said Jason. ‘Me and Mia’ll get out here. You go in and see if you can scare up Harville. Keep him busy, yeah?’

‘I’ll try,’ said Ross, but he didn’t sound very convincing.

Jason and Mia watched him drive into the cottage grounds. They took up a vantage point from behind the hedge to observe Ross’s progress.

He stood on the doorstep for a long time before one of the goons opened up and gave him what looked like a very unfriendly reception.

‘Keep at him,’ muttered Jason. ‘Don’t let him put you off.’

‘I think I’d be intimidated,’ said Mia. ‘That guy’s huge.’

‘They definitely don’t want to let him in. Shit, do you think they’ve killed Deano?’

‘I hope not.’

They continued to watch, tense as bowstrings, as the goon turned away and shut the door. But Ross didn’t leave the doorstep or ring again.

‘He’s waiting for something,’ said Mia.

‘Harville, probably,’ agreed Jason.

Sure enough, a few moments later, the door was re-opened and Ross was admitted.

‘Right,’ said Jason. ‘We’re going in.’