This might not have been so surprising in itself, and she would have simply flustered an apology and rushed out again, were it not for a third player in the scene.

Lawrence leant against a dresser, his jeans around his ankles, feeding the length of his thick curving cock into Tiggy’s eager mouth.

Kayley watched her jaw work while she was banged to and fro, seeing Lawrence’s heavy balls bounce against her chin. Lawrence had a hand on her neck, keeping her from jerking about too much while she sucked him. He was the one whose voice Kayley had heard.

‘Greedy little bitch,’ he said, apparently oblivious to Kayley’s sudden appearance. ‘Take your medicine.’

Kayley backed out of the room, all thoughts of her bag forgotten. Finding Ross at the bottom of the stairs, she said, ‘Let’s get out of here, now,’ and marched him out of the front door, clinging to his elbow.

She lay in her bed that night seeing over and over again the silhouettes of the threesome against her tired eyelids. Some kind of bright red shawl had been tacked over the window in place of a curtain, and their outlines had been vivid in its foreground. The whole scene had been like some obscene version of an industrial revolution machine – pistons, wheels, the back and forth motion of it.

She saw the generous curve of Tiggy’s bottom, lifted towards the unknown man, and her breasts swaying on the other side of the footstool. She saw the unknown man’s cock, easing out then pushing back in to its sheath. And she saw Lawrence, his careless pose, his taut jaw, his hand on Tiggy’s neck …

‘Manwhore,’ she muttered, turning over in bed.

And that was a good phone she’d lost, too. God knew when she’d be able to afford a replacement.

Oh well. It had been an experience. She’d seen how the other half lived – and shagged – and now she could go back to real life.

Real life obstinately refused to comply, however. She was sitting in the coffee bar between lectures on the following Monday, frowning over her ring binder, when somebody she hadn’t expected to see again plonked himself down opposite her and dumped a handbag on the table between them.

‘Yours, I believe,’ he said.

‘Oh!’ She couldn’t help staring. He was every bit as good-looking as she remembered, and quite a good deal more suave too. But he had been a bit rumpled in that last haunting view she’d had of him, so it was hardly surprising. ‘You. You came here.’

‘Found this in my freezer last night,’ said Lawrence, with a twinkle in his eye. ‘I’m not sure the phone’ll still work …’

‘God! The freezer? Must’ve been looking for ice cubes and …’ She tailed off, biting her lip.

‘Yes, well, we were all a bit past the limits of common sense that night, I think,’ said Lawrence.

Kayley felt the words as a brush-off, an excuse.

‘Yeah,’ she said, looking swiftly away from him. ‘You’re not wrong there.’

‘Best place to be,’ he said with a grin. ‘I had a great night. You?’

‘Not bad,’ she said.

‘So maybe we could do it again?’

She was genuinely astonished. Why on earth would this bloke, who seemed to have all those posh girls with the big hair literally at his feet, want to see her again?

‘What, do you mean that?’ she blurted, wishing she could be smooth and hard-to-get. Fat chance.

‘Of course. Why wouldn’t I? I like you, Kayley. You’re … a breath of fresh air. I don’t often meet girls like you.’

‘What, chavs, you mean?’

He looked wounded, cocking his head to one side.

‘No, I do not,’ he said firmly. ‘I mean girls who aren’t full of themselves and their airs and graces. You have an honesty about you that’s really quite … intoxicating.’

‘Oh yeah?’

‘And you know how to have a good time.’ He winked, and she felt heat prickle through her. So he just wanted sex. So what? Why not?

She accepted his invitation to go round to the Hall after her last lecture, telling her dad she was going to the cinema with her mates. Roll on the day she could earn money and rent a flat with some friends, she thought, pounding the pavements on the way to Lawrence’s place. Being skint all the time was a pain in the arse.