They made it through about a dozen more strokes before the belt was thrown aside and Jason’s trousers came down.

Jenna, still on her knees with her bottom uppermost, welcomed Jason’s thick length barging its way into her without ceremony. She wanted to be taken and used and made grateful for her punishment. She rejoiced in the soreness of her cheeks every time his pelvis smacked into them. He thrust and rutted behind her, still holding her neck in a vice-like grip. With his other hand, he squeezed her belted buttocks, treating them as roughly as his cock was treating her pussy.

It was every bit as cathartic as the crying jag, thought Jenna somewhere in her delirium of lust. Perhaps, for him, it was more so.

She had a sense of her orgasm being forced from her, as if Jason had reached inside her and torn it out. She cried out through a haze of tears, the power of it overwhelming her.

He followed her swiftly, adding his release to hers, until they were in a kind of animal harmony.

Later, after much holding and whispering and a few tears, they came together again. More quietly this time, almost peacefully, a gentle connection to remind each other of the strength and depth of their new love.

By the time they drifted off to sleep, Kayley was quite forgotten.

Chapter Eleven

THEY WOULDN’T TELL her where they were taking her, and the blacked-out back windows made it very difficult to tell, although she sometimes caught snatches of landmarks through the front windscreen.

The high school, the leisure centre, and then they must be on the ring road, heading out of town.

‘You can’t do this,’ she said again to the hulk-like man beside her. As before, he remained silent.

Flummoxed and scared, she stared hard at the back of the bull neck of the driver while she tried to think. He had a shaved head and a home-made tattoo at the base of his skull – the number 666. It wasn’t reassuring.

‘This is kidnap,’ she said. ‘Abduction. You won’t get away with it. I’ve got friends, important friends, more powerful than anyone you know.’

The driver laughed briefly, but that was all she got from either of them.

‘At least give me my phone,’ she said to the man beside her, who had taken it from her the minute she’d pulled it from her pocket. ‘People’ll be worrying about me. My dad. He’ll call the police.’

Again, she might as well have been talking to a block of granite. An icy chill crept down from her neck to her spine as she calculated the odds that they were taking her to a secluded spot where she would be made to dig a shallow grave.

It was a small relief when the car turned into what sounded like a gravel drive, crunching on for about half a minute more before coming to a halt.

She didn’t recognise the parkland or the house, but it had to be within twenty miles of Bledburn, given how long the journey had taken.

The car drove around to the back of the house, a grey clad Georgian-looking place with tall rectangular windows and red ivy all over.

Looking desperately around her after being shoved out of the car into a kind of back yard, she saw lawns stretching away for acres, and trees in the distance. Dusk was falling fast and the advance of autumn was suddenly in

the air after a day of golden sunshine. But the weather wasn’t at the forefront of Kayley’s mind.

She looked fearfully at the back door she was being shepherded towards. The face she saw when it opened didn’t surprise her, but it wasn’t exactly a joyful sight either.

‘Ah, you made it,’ said Lawrence Harville, looking her up and down.

‘Where is this place? What the hell are you doing?’

She was inside now, with the door behind her. The driver and the hulk stood behind her, ready to block any attempt at escape.

‘I’ve rented it for a few weeks,’ Harville said. ‘Just a little bolthole, until I can reclaim my ancestral home.’

‘What, you mean Harville Hall? Dream on. It’s Jenna’s now.’

This didn’t seem to go down well with Harville, who seized her by her elbow and dragged her down some steps into a basement.

‘You might be wondering,’ he said through gritted teeth, ‘why on earth I would invite a scummy little chav like you to be my guest here.’

He opened a door at the bottom of the stairs and pushed her into a windowless cupboard.