‘Not that,’ she said. ‘I mean, I wish I could stop … I wish I could …’

‘Hey.’ Her sobs had put an end to whatever it was she had been trying to say. She wasn’t even sure she knew what it was. Jason had put down the belt and got her quickly into his arms. ‘Hey, I didn’t want to properly hurt you. I’d never, I mean, this is supposed to be fun, really. You weren’t taking it serious, were you?’

She shook her head, trying to smile through her tears.

‘It’s not you. Not your fault. It didn’t hurt that much, well, maybe it did, but … I can take it.’

‘Then what are you crying for, you daft thing?’

‘I don’t know. Just, it’s all been … The last weeks … It’s all been a bit emotional.’

Jason had to laugh ruefully at that.

‘Yeah, you could say.’

‘I think I just need to let it out. And this has opened me up and let me do that.’

Jason kissed the tears as they fell.

‘Go on then,’ he whispered. ‘Have a good cry, babe.’

She wept into his shoulder for a few minutes, perversely enjoying her tears, and the way their release seemed to loosen her shoulders and turn her heart from a solid weight into something lighter.

‘Better?’ he asked, once she emerged and reached blindly for a tissue from the nightstand.

She nodded.

‘Sorry. And thanks.’

‘Thanks for what? Walloping your arse until you cried your eyes out? Yeah, I’m all heart, me.’

He looked truly guilty, and Jenna’s lighter heart gave her a pang.

‘No, for being so understanding. And for letting this happen. You know I don’t blame you for … what you were doing. I’m as kinky as you are. Don’t think I’m not.’

‘Ah, well, that’s a relief,’ he said with a little laugh. ‘It’s hard to judge sometimes, Jen. I mean, you seem to be really into it and then …’

‘I am really into it. You know how it drives me wild – usually. I suppose I just feel genuinely guilty, about Kayley, and about not telling you about the shop and … I don’t like feeling bad.’

‘Who does?’

‘Plus all this crap with Deano and Harville being out and your family connections and … God, it’s a lot to take in. My head’s all over the place.’

‘Where do you think mine is? Look, love, as long as both our heads are together, it doesn’t matter, does it? We can deal with anything they try and throw at us. We’ve proved it. We’re strong.’ He tilted Jenna’s face to his, smiling into it. ‘Aren’t we?’

She nodded gratefully.

‘Well, I’m glad we got all that sorted out,’ said Jason briskly. ‘What’s next?’

‘Finish it off,’ said Jenna, picking up the belt and offering it to him.

‘Are you sure?’ He frowned, taking the belt from her.

‘Completely. I’ve let out all the pressure now. I’m ready for a damn good thrashing. And whatever comes after it.’

He grinned and kissed her.

‘You’ve got it, babe. Now get that nice red bum up again, ’cos you won’t be sitting down for dinner tonight.’