‘You believe that bit, then?’

‘Anything about Harvilles behaving like bastards, yeah, totally believable. But … this is why, you see. This is why I can’t believe it. I can’t be one of them.’

There was a plea in his voice.

‘Well, you know it can be proved,’ said Jenna.

‘How? The fucker’s dead. I ain’t digging him up so I can have my worst nightmare proved true.’

‘No. Lawrence. They can test whether you share paternity.’

Jason laughed, long and loud.

‘Yeah, I can see him agreeing to that, can’t you? “Hold on, bro, while I just take a lock of your hair and a swab of your spit. What larks!” As if. And how the ever-living fuck did he get away with the drug charges? I want to go and find the CPS and give it a good kicking.’

‘I suppose everyone except Kayley was scared to stand against him,’ said Jenna. ‘You did say he had some very frightening friends.’

‘Yeah. Thank God for you, or they’d be on to me right now. Got to be a worry for Kayley, though. They’ll want to take revenge.’

‘Shit, do you think so?’ Jenna sat up, looking around for her phone.

‘Might be an idea to let her stay here for a bit,’ suggested Jason.

‘I will. I’ll call her tomorrow morning, tell her to pack a bag.’

‘What did he say to you?’ Jason’s tone was intense now. ‘Did he touch you?’

‘He said he’d just come to tell me that the CPS had dropped the case. He was pretty menacing though. And insulting. He mentioned you, and Kayley. I think he was threatening you both.’

‘He can threaten me all he likes,’ said Jason.

‘Probably best not to mention the thing about him being your brother,’ said Jenna. ‘On reflection.’

‘He’s no brother of mine.’ Jason was obstinate.

‘Perhaps he’s not a Harville at all,’ said Jenna, trying to cheer him.

‘What, did he say something?’

‘No, I mean, not really. But he really doesn’t know the truth about our skeleton in the cellar. If it’s Harville business, they’ve kept it very quiet indeed.’

‘So he still thinks it’s the first wife or whatever?’

‘Apparently. Unless he’s deliberately lying,’ said Jenna.

‘And, let’s face it, that’s not exactly unknown.’

‘Perhaps he never went into the cellar. Perhaps his father didn’t. But there are boxes and boxes of family records, so somebody did …’

Jason yawned. ‘Maybe take a look at them when the dust settles. See if they say anything about Harville tracking that runaway wife of his, Frances, down, or getting the baby back.’

‘That’s a good point. All the birth, death and marriage certificates’ll be in there, probably. I’ll do that.’ She shuddered. ‘Much as I’d prefer never to go back down there.’

‘I’ll come with you. Hey, maybe we could take some friends down. Lawrence, Deano …’

Jenna gave his arm a light smack.

‘I’m pissed off with both of them but I think I’d draw the line at murder. God, I’m exhausted. Let’s try and sleep, eh? Everything might be easier to look at in the morning.’