‘Get downstairs and get that black underwear on,’ he ordered. ‘I want you waiting for me in the corner of the bedroom with your hands behind your back. Well, what are you waiting for?’

He gave her bottom a smack, a taste of things to come.

She fled.

Chapter Ten

JENNA HAD NEVER in her life stood in a corner, even at primary school. She’d been one of the good girls. No naughty step or staying in at playtime for her.

It was novel, and almost enjoyable, to be standing here in her sexiest underwear, waiting for her punishment. But it was also mortifying and a bit scary. It frightened her, in a way, to feel that Jason knew he could ask her to do something like this, and she would do it. He recognised his power over her, and he used it.

Was it an unequal relationship, then?

No, she had to conclude it was not. She wouldn’t obey a request she found unacceptable. This kinky side to things was a new and delicious repast for her and she couldn’t get enough of it. It was like tasting spice after a lifetime of mashed potato. The possibilities seemed dizzying, and endless.

All the same, it was embarrassing to be standing here, barefoot and almost bare-bottomed, with her nose to the wall and her hands folded in the small of her back. Her nipples were hard, peeking over the wholly inadequate cups of her so-called bra and she was goose-pimpled all over.

Jason was taking his time. What was he doing? What would he decide to do to her when he got here?

Well, in a way, the answer to that was pretty obvious. But she wanted to know the detail. Would he put her over his knee or make her bend over a chair? Would he use his hand, or his handmade paddle, or something else? And, most interesting speculation of all, what would happen afterwards?

She heard the door of the shower room open and close – he was entering it from the corridor rather than the bedroom. A few moments later, the splash of water on tiling told her that he was washing the paint out of his hair.

She knew he wouldn’t catch her moving while he was in the shower, but she still didn’t leave the corner. Somehow, the principle of the thing was important. She needed to know for her own sake that he had nothing to reproach her with.

She stood straighter and thrust her chest out further, taking pleasure in her obedience to his will. But what if he presumed she hadn’t obeyed him? She couldn’t prove it. She might as well … just maybe take a few things out of the bedside drawer? Hide them somewhere?

The shower sounds ceased abruptly and she stood to attention, hot with guilt at what she’d been thinking.

Another age passed, with Jenna expecting the interconnecting door to open at any moment, but Jason had other plans, it seemed, because he went back out into the corridor.

What? Jenna huffed and her posture slackened. Bored now. Just get on with it.

She hopped back into position, her heart racing painfully, when the bedroom door opened swiftly and suddenly. She couldn’t, however, resist the temptation to sneak a glimpse over her shoulder.

‘Oh no, no, no,’ tutted Jason, whom she had seen was wearing his sharp black suit. He must have gone downstairs to get it from the hall, where it had been hanging up after being deliver

ed by the dry cleaning service. ‘Eyes to the front, Jen. You know the drill.’

No she didn’t! She wanted to object that standing in a corner had not made up a significant proportion of her life experience thus far, but something told her this would get her nowhere.

‘Makes a change,’ he said, closer to her now. ‘Somebody else in the corner. I was forever getting sent there when I was little. When I got a bit older, I got chucked out of class instead. Then suspended. Then excluded. But there’s something about standing in the corner, isn’t there? It makes you feel dead small.’

‘I’ve never done it before,’ she said.

‘Haven’t you? Well, get used to it, love. Because that little spot is all yours, whenever I think you could do with a bit of time there. So, have you thought about why I sent you there?’

‘You told me why.’ Oh dear, again that slightly chippy tone. She couldn’t seem to quash it. But meekness and mildness didn’t come easily to Jenna Myatt Diamond, of Talent Team.

‘Well, perhaps I want to hear it from you, and without the attitude.’

Oops. She was in dangerous territory here.

She racked her brains for a neutral way of putting it.

‘Because I wasn’t honest with you.’

‘Right. And what weren’t you honest about?’