‘Depends. Have you called Kayley?’

‘Not yet. But I’m going to. Let me have a bit of Dutch courage first.’

‘Fair enough.’ Jason took the corkscrew and loosened the cork. ‘Come to your senses, then?’

‘When Deano turned up this morning, it really threw me. I know I overreacted. I’m just so … He makes me feel really threatened, you know?’

She poured wine into the glasses and handed one to Jason.

‘Yeah, I know,’ he said dryly. ‘But I don’t really get why. What can he do to you?’

‘Objectively, I know he can’t do anything, apart from silly games with the press and so on. But I suppose … it’s the weight of the past. It’s all the baggage we share. It’s so heavy, Jason. Twenty years’ worth of it. It’s oppressive.’

Jason gave her a half-hearted smile. ‘Will you be saying that about me in twenty years’ time?’

She laughed, choking slightly on her first mouthful of wine.

‘In twenty years? You’ll be fifty.’

‘Yeah. I reckon I’ll be a proper silver fox. And you’ll be one of those women nobody can guess the age of ’cos she’s so, like, timeless and shit.’

‘Oh God, I’ll be pushing sixty. Saga time.’

‘I always liked those Saga ads on telly. I wouldn’t mind cruising the rest of my life away, if I had the wedge. Shall we do that, Jen? You and me. Just cruise around the world, playing bowls on deck?’

‘You’re daft, you are,’ she said fondly, trying and failing to imagine Jason as a distinguished older gent in pristine chinos and shirt.

‘Yeah, but at least I don’t go around firing people for nowt.’

‘I know, I know.’

‘What made you come to your senses, then?’

‘A bit of time and space, I suppose,’ said Jenna, reflecting. ‘I just needed to calm down. There’s something about Deano that makes my blood boil.’

Jason turned his face away for a moment.

‘With anger,’ Jenna added hastily, then wondered if she should have done. It should go without saying, surely.

‘Pretty strong reaction,’ said Jason, staring ahead.

‘I can’t help it!’

‘No. But, y’know … I can’t help wondering sometimes …’

Jenna put down her glass and put her hands in his, holding them tightly.

‘Jason,’ she said. ‘I’m never going back to him.’

‘Good,’ he said. ‘Perhaps it’s time you both started acting like grown-ups around each other then.’

She nodded, taking the criticism to heart.

‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Well, I will if he will.’

Jason tutted, rolling his eyes.

‘Playground talk,’ he said. ‘Be the bigger person, Jen. Be cool around him. It’ll wind him up no end. This way, with you going off like a rocket every time you set eyes on him, he thinks he’s still in with a chance. Do you get me? Like, there’s still passion there or whatever. Just be cool and polite and he’ll back off. I bet you.’