‘I love you too,’ he said. ‘But why does it have to be so fucking complicated? I was happy for a moment there. I thought everything was sound at last.’

‘Everything is sound. It will be. It has to be. I won’t let it be any other way.’

‘But Deano?’

‘Deano can get straight back on the next plane to LA.’

‘Are you sure about that?’

She squeezed his fingers.

‘Don’t ever worry about that. It’s you I want. You’ve changed my life. I don’t want the old one back.’

They kissed, a kiss of understanding and reconnection.

‘I think he’s going to stick around,’ said Jason. ‘That’s the impression I got.’

‘Well, he won’t be coming here. He can stay in Bledburn if he wants, but Harville Hall is invitation-only. He’ll soon get fed up with this place, when he realises I’m not going back to him.’

‘He seems to really want you back,’ said Jason.

‘Probably just as his agent,’ said Jenna with a brief, bitter laugh. ‘That new one didn’t seem up to much.’

Jason kissed her forehead. ‘Professional jealousy, eh?’

She sighed.

‘I’ll be honest, it does sting to see the twenty years of bloody hard work I put into Deano’s career just cast aside like that. More than the twenty years of relationship stress, even. I can cope with being dumped as his wife, but as his agent …’ Again the bitter laugh, but it warmed into something self-deprecating and apologetic. ‘Sorry. I must sound absolutely mad.’

‘No, not really. Your work’s important to you. It’s more than work. I guess it’s the same way I feel about my painting.’

‘Yes, and because it changes people’s lives. How do you put a value on that? How can the person who made you suddenly be so disposable? Ah, never mind. I’m just rambling on. It’s been a long night.’

‘You’re not kidding.’ He was quiet for a moment. ‘My head’s done in. Too much to think about.’

‘Are you thinking about what your mum said?’

‘I can’t stop thinking about it,’ he admitted. ‘It can’t be right. She’s just saying it to … to …’

‘Why would she lie, Jason?’ asked Jenna gently.

‘’Cos she does,’ he snapped. ‘She lies all the time. No, I haven’t had a drink today – yes, I did remember to sign on – no, I didn’t shag your mate’s dad. She’s bloody pathological. Why should I believe her on this?’

‘She seemed quite positive about it. She told me some of the circumstances around it. I believed her.’

‘Oh, and what were they, then?’ Jason’s tone was defiant, as if he didn’t want to ask but had to.

‘The old Lord Harville seduced her as a sixteen year old. She was performing up here at the gala with her majorette troupe.’

‘She’s always on about how she used to be a majorette,’ said Jason, smiling now, a little sadly. ‘Used to be her party piece – getting her baton out and giving it a twirl.’

‘They had a short affair and she got pregnant.’

‘Yeah, but she was always having short affairs, usually half a dozen at a time.’

‘Not this time,’ said Jenna. ‘Or so she says. But she told Harville that, so he wouldn’t have the baby – you – taken off her. He threatened her, you see.’

‘Fucking bastard,’ growled Jason.