His self-absorption sparked rage in her.

‘I don’t give a shit,’ she exploded. ‘Just like you don’t give a shit what happens to me. Oh, fuck this, I’m out of here.’

She stormed over to the front door, as if to open it.

Jenna returned to the hallway, her lips set in a thin line.

‘I think it’s time you left now, don’t you?’

‘Jen, hear me out—’

‘Get. Out. Now.’

Kayley watched with growing bemusement as Deano Diamond threw himself on his knees in front of Jenna.

‘What do you want from me, babe? Name it. It’s yours. I’m lost without you. I need you.’

Jenna turned away, her eyes shut. When she spoke her voice was less firm than it had been.

‘You can’t give me anything any more, Deano. Give it up. Leave now, or I’ll call the police. I’m serious.’

‘You wouldn’t?’

But he was back on his feet, brushing down his knees, eyeing the front door in seconds. The adverse publicity was just as undesirable to him as it was to Jenna, apparently.

‘Give me my space,’ said Jenna, hurrying to the front door to open it. ‘I’m not saying we’ll never have an amicable relationship at some stage. But not like this. This is all wrong. Goodbye, Deano.’

‘I’m down, Jen, but I’m not out,’ he said, and then he left without as much as a backward glance at Kayley.

‘I’m sorry,’ said Kayley, immediately the door shut.

‘Yes,’ said Jenna, icy and unsmiling. ‘You should be. What on earth possessed you to invite him here?’

‘I didn’t – he invited himself. He did ask me, but I said no …’

‘When? When did he ask you?’

‘Earlier on, on the phone.’

‘He phoned you this morning? Oh my God. What else aren’t you telling me?’

Jenna threw up her hands, then covered her face.

‘It’s not like that …’

Jenna took her hands away from her eyes and stared.

‘Like what? You don’t have a cosy little private relationship with my ex, then? Because it certainly sounds that way. No.’ She spoke over Kayley’s attempts at protest. ‘No, I don’t want to hear any more of this. I don’t feel I can trust you now. And I really, really need to be able to trust the people in my life. You’ve let me down. You’re on his side.’

‘It’s not about sides! He did me a favour, so I felt I owed him one, that’s all.’

‘You owed him one? What about me? Don’t you owe me anything?’

‘Jenna …’

‘No, don’t speak to me. Don’t even dare speak to me. I want you out of here. Now. Get out. I’ll have your stuff sent back over to your dad’s. If I can’t trust you, I can’t have anything to do with you.’

‘But Jen …’