‘Perhaps I should stay down here then.’

But she didn’t mean it. She was counting on Jason’s response to this being exactly what it was.

He grabbed her round the waist, spun her to face him and hoisted her up over his shoulder, carrying her caveman-style up the stairs to the bedroom. All the garden work had made him stronger than ever, and he didn’t stagger or pause for a moment until they were in the bedroom and she was thrown down on the bed.

‘Mind my dress,’ she gasped, still laughing, but slightly alarmed to hear the ripping of a seam near her shoulder.

‘I don’t give a toss about your dress,’ he snarled, throwing off his jacket and loosening the tie he’d worn to appease his mother, who had been in raptures at how smart he was these days. ‘Get it off – now.’

She sat up, collecting her breath, watching him with wide eyes.

‘Don’t make me wait, Jen.’

She began to struggle out of the maxi dress, losing herself briefly in the volume of material.

Jason took pity on her and pulled it over her head, his cuffs half unbuttoned, shirt out of his waistband.

She was completely unclothed now, and yet she felt more naked with the plug still inside her than she might have done without it.

‘On your knees, arse high, head down,’ said Jason. ‘No, with your back to me. I’ve got a little something to take out of you, haven’t I?’

Jenna got into position, clenching her teeth. She felt too vulnerable to be borne, wanting to get up and run into the bathroom. The thought of the perspective she presented to Jason made her want to cringe and gasp at the same time.

‘Looks good,’ he said.

She heard the soft swish of fabrics departing from his body.

All of her concentration was focused on that narrow passage and the intruder it accommodated. Her upper thighs and knees felt watery, barely able to support the weight of her hips and bottom. She tried to pretend she was holding a yoga position, on a mat, with a leotard on, but the butt plug wouldn’t let her accept it as a realistic escape. It kept prodding her consciousness, reminding her that it was there.

‘Do you want it out?’ asked Jason from behind her. ‘Or could you get

used to wearing it all the time? Perhaps I’ll make you do that.’

‘No, take it out,’ she said hurriedly, remembering to add a swift, ‘Please, sir,’ in case her tone made him change his mind.

He laughed.

‘Hold on tight, then. Or rather, don’t. Unclench.’

But that was asking too much.

Jenna’s eyes watered at the uncomfortable sensation of having the plug pulled clean from her. Her instincts commanded that she clamp round it all the more, but Jason was quick enough for it not to become a painful struggle and she found her muscles clenching around thin air, twitching at the sudden change in their circumstances.

‘There, now. All done.’ He patted one of her cheeks. ‘Let’s just put this in the sink a mo.’

He disappeared into the bathroom and she looked over her shoulder, wondering if she could move from this submissive position yet. She decided to try it and shifted until she was seated with her legs loosely crossed, leaning back with her palms on the mattress behind her. It was a pose that combined invitation with wanton negligence. She didn’t feel submissive any more, but she felt ready for anything Jason had to give her.

‘Hey,’ he said, emerging from the bathroom with nothing to adorn his nudity but a large erection. ‘Did I say you could move? Back on your knees now.’

Jenna hesitated, and was surprised when Jason didn’t take a harder approach.

Instead he stopped and gave her a sympathetic half-smile.

‘You’re nervous,’ he said.

She nodded, swallowing.

‘That plug is quite small compared to …’