‘Hey, if the cap fits,’ said Jason with a filthy smile. ‘Or the collar. Or whatever.’ He let the ribbon drop from her neck and lowered his lips to the uncovered skin, making sure her breasts were still restrained by the bunch of fabric held high in his fist.

‘Oh,’ breathed Jenna, shutting her eyes and letting the sensation rule over her.

‘’Cos you are, aren’t you?’ he whispered between kisses. ‘All mine.’

‘Yes,’ she agreed in a shuddering breath.

He eased his grip on the ribbon so that it slackened over her nipples, then fell to reveal her breasts in the quarter-cup bra he loved so much.

‘Oh yes,’ he muttered, his hands busy on the bared mounds, joined very quickly by his mouth and tongue. ‘This’ll do. Better than Alton Towers.’

A high laugh caught in Jenna’s throat at the incongruous remark, but it soon died when she saw just how serious Jason was in his need to have and take and possess her to the fullest possible extent. He squeezed and ground her breasts together, pinching and sucking at her nipples until she cried out with delirious need.

‘Feeling hot?’ he asked, his voice rough as sandpaper. ‘I can help with that.’

He pulled hard at the rest of the ribbon until it fell from her hips and uncoiled itself around her legs. She was mashed tight against him, smelling the residue of sweat and sun lotion that the garden tap had failed to completely remove, and also the mingling traces of male desire, hot and sharp in her nostrils.

His mouth crushed hers and she opened her lips to the possessive force of his tongue. Now that her legs were free, she could lift a knee and rub it up his damp jeans, pushing her mound into the heavy denim.

His hands landed naturally upon her bum cheeks, squeezing them under the rosette, which was now all that remained of her fancy packaging, bar the barely there lingerie.

He removed his tongue from her throat and spoke into her ear.

‘You’re keeping that rosette on for the rest of the day,’ he said. ‘To remind you of what you’ve got coming. It’s the last little bit of birthday unwrapping for me.’

‘I can’t wear it to dinner! Your mum’ll be there.’

‘Tough. You’ll have to think of something, won’t you?’

‘I’m not sure it’ll stay on,’ she confessed. ‘It’s just attached by an adhesive strip. It’s meant to go on wrapping paper, not skin. It’ll peel off in a little while.’

He reached up and pulled it off in one motion. Jenna winced a little at the sensation of sticking plaster being removed, feeling a twinge of afterburn on the patch of skin where it had been. Jason threw it on the floor and stroked her bottom in its rude web of elastic straps.

‘We’ll have to think of something else then, won’t we?’ he said. ‘Leave it with me. In the meantime, I’ve got other presents to think about. Get on your knees.’

Jenna dropped to the floor without hesitation, watching him from beneath lowered lids as he dragged a low dressing-table chair in front of her. It was upholstered and skirted in a damask print, and looked like just about the last chair a man like Jason would ever sit on, with his dusty jeans and bronzed bare chest.

But he slunk his way out of the jeans, not without some difficulty, because they had got wet under the garden tap, revealing himself to be naked underneath.

‘No pants,’ Jenna couldn’t help observing.

‘Hot, innit? And I was only gardening, not meeting the Queen. Anyway, that’s enough talk from you. I want your mouth kept busy in another way now.’

He sat down abruptly, and he didn’t need to give Je

nna any more clues as to his intentions for her.

‘Happy birthday, Mr President,’ she said, in a breathy imitation of Marilyn Monroe, before bending her head and giving the tip of Jason’s cock a lascivious lick.

He put a hand on the crown of her head, pushing it downwards.

She followed his cue and let his full, thickening length slide into her eager mouth.

As she sucked and lapped, he played with her breasts and occasionally spoke, in a slow, thick, drugged-sounding voice.

‘All right then,’ he said, as she let the tip of her tongue travel slowly up the underside of his shaft. ‘No rosette. But you don’t get away that easily.’

He exhaled a wobbly breath.