He pointed a warning finger at her, making her hug herself with excitement, then hared off towards the kitchen door. He stopped en route to sluice himself under the garden tap. Jenna cringed at the thought of how cold the water must be, but obviously Jason wasn’t planning to waste any time in the shower. Not when he could be ripping off the wrapping from his present.

She turned in the window frame and positioned herself on the sill, perching right at the edge in order not to disarrange her cheeky rosette. She put her hands on the sill on either side of her, anchoring herself in position in case she succumbed to a natural inclination to slide off on to the floor. Her legs were weak enough, regardless of their being encased in red ribbon.

Within seconds, Jason’s pounding tread could be heard on the staircase, then on the uncarpeted landing. He had obviously pulled off the heavy work boots he had been wearing, or the floor would be shuddering. The thud of his bare feet was loud enough.

The door crashed open, causing Jenna to squeak despite her expectation of this happening, and there he stood, hands on the upper frame, leaning into the room with the eyes of a feral creature in heat.

‘What. The. Fuck,’ he growled, ‘are you trying to do to me, woman?’

‘Just trying to wish you a happy birthday,’ said Jenna, a demure giggle escaping from the lips she was trying so hard to keep seductively sculpted.

‘Oh yeah?’ He took a stride into the room and stood with his arms folded. ‘And this is my present, is it?’

‘If you like.’ Jenna made a heroic effort to bring every ounce of inner vamp she possessed to the party. ‘And I can’t wait to blow out your candle.’

That was enough for Jason, it seemed.

‘Get over here,’ he commanded, holding out a hand as she began a tottering progress towards him.

He seized her as soon as she was within range and twisted her in his grip so that he was able to pat her bottom underneath the rosette.

‘I like this,’ he said, planting fingers in it so it rustled. ‘Nicely placed. Does it mean anything?’

‘Does it …?’

‘I mean, where you’ve put it. Square on your arse. Is that a message for me?’

She quivered, clenching her cheeks.

‘Well, we have agreed …’

He chuckled, stroking the lower slopes where they met her thighs.

‘It’s all right, babe. I’m saving that for tonight. My after-dinner treat.’

‘OK. If you’re sure.’

‘I’m sure. I want to give you something to think about over dinner, while my mum’s bending your ear at ninety miles per hour. I want you to have it on your mind, all the way through, that what you’re sitting on is going to be getting it. I want you all distracted and keyed up, knowing what’s coming to you. Do you think you will be?’

He was bending now, whispering the words into Jenna’s ear.

She nodded, her throat tight. God, he was evil. So bloody gorgeously evil.

‘Good.’ He patted her bottom again, proprietorially. ‘’Cos this is going to be all mine, babe. But for now …’

He propelled her swiftly so that she faced him again, his fingers tight around her upper arm.

‘Now, where does this end … ah yeah. I get it. Around your neck. Right.’

He began to loosen the fastening, gently, without rushing.

‘Do you know what would look good on you?’ he said as he worked. ‘A collar. Around this gorgeous neck of yours. Would you like that? Something to show the world that you’re mine?’

‘Not like a dog collar?’ Jenna grimaced.

‘Same principle,’ said Jason. ‘Owner and pet. But nicer. Prettier. You can get some dead classy ones.’

‘Are you saying I’m your bitch?’ Jenna raised provocative eyes to her lover.