‘Because you don’t want to be hand in glove with Lawrence Harville, that’s why.’


Deano leant forward, all ears.

‘Don’t you know what happened?’

‘I live in Los Angeles, Kayley.’

‘Oh, come on. You must know.’

‘OK.’ He sat back. ‘I know he was implicated in this drugs case. The one your Jason was originally up for.’

‘Yeah, so why are you …? I mean, the case got thrown out but he’s guilty as sin. And he’s got it in for Jen and Jase. And me. That’s why I’m skulking about in this shitty old hoodie. It’s not ’cos I think it suits me.’

‘No, well, I did prefer what you had on last night,’ said Deano, with a rather suggestive smile.

He waited for it to take its effect, then leant towards Kayley, his eyes burning with serious intent.

‘Listen, Kayley, I’ve no right to ask this of you.’

She wanted to look away, wanted to frown, but she could do nothing but stare back into his silvery electric-spark gaze.

‘Ask what?’

‘Will you put in a word for me? With Jenna? Tell her I want to work with her on this documentary project. How can I make a documentary about my career without her? She is my career. I need

her in this film.’

The lobster salads arrived, looking quite unlike anything Kayley had ever eaten in her life before. She was almost dismayed at its exotic glamour. Was she really supposed to eat it?

As for the Jenna thing … well, she could mention it. It wasn’t like he was asking her to meet him in his hotel room, was it?

‘OK,’ she said. ‘I’ll ask her.’ She picked up a lobster claw and prodded inside the pointy shell. ‘How do you eat this?’

‘Do you want me to get the meat out for you?’

She watched him, still with a sense of unreality.

‘I mean, it’s a reasonable enough thing to ask, isn’t it?’ she said, as if still working it out herself. ‘It’s work. It doesn’t mean she’s going to …’

He looked up at her.

‘Going to what?’

‘Why did you split up?’ she blurted. ‘She’s never told me.’

The sparks in Deano’s extraordinary eyes faded and a cloud seemed to pass over him.

‘All my fault,’ he said. ‘I was blind and stupid. I let myself believe the hype, and trust me, Kayley, that’s a fatal mistake. But if enough people tell you you’re a god, well …’

‘Did you cheat on her?’


‘That woman who was with you last night …’

‘No, she’s just an agent. She has herself lined up as the next Jenna, though. But she won’t be. She doesn’t have Jenna’s fight or fearlessness. Once I get Jenna back, I’ll sack Parker.’