She reached up and grazed his whiskers with her knuckles.

‘Was that good?’

He bent to kiss the mouth that tasted of him.

‘You know it, minx,’ he said.

He felt for the hem of her skirts, all mud-spattered and stained from the street, and began to raise them, knowing in advance that she would not be wearing drawers underneath.

‘What you got in mind, my bad boy?’ she asked, eyes like mischievous saucers.

‘Less of the boy, if you please. I’m five years your senior.’

‘Old enough to know better then.’

‘Old enough to know.’

He placed his fingers on her exposed thigh. How soft the flesh, giving the illusion of spotlessness, a virginal air that would deceive the worst of roués. He bent his head and kissed the marble-like skin, his lips drifting up and further up.

‘Oh, Jem,’ she whispered, leaning back, throwing her arms above her head.

Last night’s men.

A loud rapping on the door broke and swept away the vague disgust that had made its unwelcome presence felt via his nostrils.

‘Christ,’ he hissed, kneeling up and shaking his head at a crestfallen Annie. ‘Who is there?’ he called.

‘It’s me, James.’

His uncle – his employer, landlord and instigator of his Faustian pact.

‘What do you want?’

‘I have a visitor for you.’


James tugged down Annie’s skirts and hauled her off the bed, sending her back to the desk with a pat on her rump.

Standing by the door, fastening his clothes back into a state of decency, he said, ‘I don’t expect anybody.’

‘I dare say, but please let us in.’

James opened the door halfway and peered out on to the gloomy landing. He almost didn’t see his uncle’s companion, so perfectly did her black attire blend with the lightless surroundings.

‘A lady,’ he said, nonplussed. ‘Please come in.’

‘I see you already have company,’ sniffed his uncle.

‘Annie, you may leave now. Put the book away until next time.’ He smiled weakly at his guests. ‘I am teaching her,’ he said.

‘No doubt,’ said his uncle.

James’ eyes fell, rather injudiciously, to his crotch, just at the very moment his uncle’s did. The younger man coloured and looked away, watching Annie skip from the room with a wink.

‘Does she have much to learn?’

The question, phrased in a low, ironic voice, diverted James’ attention immediately to his female guest.