‘There’ll be dancing in about an hour,’ she said. ‘Are you ready for the first dance?’

‘I don’t know. What is it? Not one of Deano’s, is it?’

She laughed.

‘No, but I bet his is. Isn’t it just fantastic that he and Kayley got together? They make such a lovely couple.’

‘Yeah, well, he’s not such a tosser as I used to think,’ said Jason. ‘He’s all right really. In his way.’

‘Kayley’s brought him back to Earth. She’s changed him, and now I like him all over again.’

‘Oi, don’t be falling for him,’ warned Jason. ‘You’re a married woman, don’t forget.’

‘I’ll never forget,’ she said, squeezing his hand. ‘Looks like the romantic atmosphere is working on some other people too.’

In one corner of the light, flower-filled room, Mia was hanging on every word spoken by a much-recovered and very spruce Ross. His haggard and drug-addled look was no more, though he had to walk with the aid of a stick.

Meanwhile, outside the French windows, Linda and Kayley’s dad were taking a cigarette break at rather close quarters.

Jenna smiled to see them, and nudged Jason.

‘Your mum’s found a new friend,’ she said.

Jason smiled ruefully and shook his head.

‘I hope he knows what he’s signing up for,’ he said.

‘Aw, come on. She’s calmed down a lot since I first met her. And she looks amazing after our spa weekend. She’s a highly eligible bachelorette these days, you know.’

‘Yeah, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not be thinking about my mum’s sex life on my wedding day. Or any day. Anyway. I’ve got something to show you.’

‘Really?’ Jenna’s skin goose-pimpled at the low, seductive tone his voice had taken on.

‘Yeah. You know I’ve been coming over here every day for the last couple of weeks?’

‘Helping out with the interior design,’ said Jenna. ‘Yes.’

‘I want you to see something. Come upstairs.’

‘Upstairs?’ Confused but intrigued, she rose from her chair, her silk column dress rippling down her legs as she did so, and followed Jason into the hall.

‘I thought it was all classrooms and music studios up there now?’ she said, ascending the staircase in his wake. ‘No more bedrooms. If that’s what’s on your mind.’

‘I know that,’ he said. ‘I want you to see the art studio.’

‘Ah, I had a feeling you’d have a hand in that,’ she said, stepping up her pace as they wound towards the attic storey.

At the top of the stairs, Jenna stood open-mouthed, looking around at the transformation. Everything was glass and light and bright whiteness where it had been shut up and shuttered and cobwebbed before.

‘This is stunning,’ she said. ‘But where …?’

‘This isn’t what I wanted to show you,’ said Jason. ‘Good, though, isn’t it? I want you to see this.’

He ran with her along the length of the studio to a door at the end. Ah, now this – this was the attic room.

He flung open the door and she saw the old space, though much bett

er lit now by a skylight in the ceiling, with its wonderful original frescoes.