‘Mm, I can’t wait,’ he whispered. ‘You’re going to be so hot and juicy.’

He put a finger inside her to test the ground, and groaned at how easily and slickly it slid in. He added two more and swirled them inside her, while his thumb flicked at her clit.

‘Touch your nipples,’ he commanded. ‘Go on. Stroke them. Give them a pinch if you want.’

She joined in, feathering her fingers as lightly as she could because her nipples felt so absurdly sensitive that every touch bordered on pain.

Jason’s fingers continued to work on her, making her mortifyingly conscious of how incredibly aroused she was. The evidence of it was all over his hand.

‘You’re ready,’ he said. ‘Getting into it, now, eh?’

He laughed as she hitched a breath and bore down on him, trying to get him to rub harder on her clit as she felt her orgasm build.

But he wasn’t playing that game.

He withdrew his fingers and took hold of her hair instead, holding it in a tight ponytail while he sheathed his cock swiftly inside her in a single breath-taking stroke.

She never failed to feel that fluttering of delight every time she took him deep inside. It was something she would never, ever tire of. He was so perfectly made for her.

‘Oh … yes,’ she breathed.

He wrapped her hair around his fist until it was like a short leash. He knew she loved to have her hair pulled during sex – at first, he’d been unsure, too gentle, but now he had found out the way she wanted it, and he did it with consummate skill.

His other hand reached underneath her to play with her breasts.

‘Who’s ready?’ he asked, taking a moment to enjoy the connection before getting down to it.

‘I am … m’ready,’ said Jenna, her head high as he pulled at her hair.


What a wild, hard ride it was. She yelped and clung to the headboard and kicked her feet as Jason plunged remorselessly in and out of her. They were perfect together now. Each knew the other’s limits and each knew exactly how far they could go. Jenna had let Jason get that little bit rougher, take that little bit more licence, as their emotional bond had deepened. The more she trusted him, the more he could do to her. She had no fear when she was with him.

He grabbed at her breasts, his fingertips pressing into the soft skin until she felt the pressure become almost unbearable. And then he stopped, knowing that she was on the edge of pleasure and pain.

Instead, he turned his attention to her bottom, running a fingertip along the crease of her buttocks, a little deeper each time until it found the hidden pucker. He pushed a knuckle against it, not hard enough to breach the muscle, but just hard enough for her to be aware of it and to sense that extra exquisite stimulation in tandem with his thrusts.

Feeling opened and owned, she shut her eyes and concentrated on the slow unfurling in her core, floating in her submission and using it to unlock her orgasm.

He knew it was coming; she could tell because he gave her hair an extra-hard tug, so that her scalp flooded with tingling and her endorphins set off in the mad race to climax.

He pushed his knuckle, ever so slightly, but enough to tip her over the edge so that she bucked and howled, losing control of her body and trying to slump. But he held her too tightly and she couldn’t. She had to let him pound into her, even if her bones were melting, because he had her head and wouldn’t let it go.

His own orgasm followed swiftly and the pair of them fell forwards, Jason’s right hand still wrapped in her hair, his left between her parted bottom cheeks.

Jenna waited till their breathing had levelled and the afterglow had kicked in before stroking Jason’s cheek and kissing his eyelids open.

‘So, then, my lord,’ she whispered.

‘Mm hmm,’ he replied, still in a post-coital haze that made him look half-drugged.

‘Was that to your satisfaction?’

He chuckled and kissed her lips.

‘Fucking right it was.’

She huddled closer to him, looking dreamily at the ceiling.