‘And we got it,’ said Jenna, laughing.

‘And we’re keeping it,’ said Deano, gazing into Kayley’s eyes.

Chapter Sixteen

‘SO THEN, LORD Harville.’ Jenna put one stockinged foot on the dressing table stool, bending her leg so that her silky slip fell away from her thigh.

‘Don’t call me that,’ said Jason, standing in the shower room doorway, still towel-drying his wet hair. ‘Besides, that’d be Mum, wouldn’t it? She’s the actual oldest direct descendant.’

‘Are you trying to spoil my fun? I feel like getting seduced by a lord, and I’ve got one right in front of me.’ She pouted, shimmying her hips a little.

Jason dropped the towel and grinned.

‘Role play, eh? Well, I could be persuaded. Get over here, peasant, and kneel to your lord.’

The towel around his waist began to show traces of an outline.

‘You want me to kneel?’ Jenna walked slowly over to him, running a provocative finger along her lower lip.

‘You bet I do. But first …’ He held out a hand, preventing her from obeying the order straight away. ‘You’re overdressed.’

‘Overdressed? Really?’ She looked down at herself. She was only wearing the silk slip and stockings, with a suspender belt.

‘Really. This can go.’ He ran a finger beneath one of her shoulder straps.

‘But then I’ll be …’

‘Naked? No you won’t. Not completely. Besides, are you disobeying me? I don’t think you want to do that, peasant.’

‘Why not?’ Jenna was trying to act the trembling ingénue, but she couldn’t quell a spark of mischief.

Jason took her arm, half-turned her, pushed her down by the shoulder blades until her bottom was thrust outwards and landed a loud smack on it.

‘Because that’s why not,’ he said over her indignant squeal. ‘Got it?’

‘Er, I’m not sure,’ said Jenna, wiggling her bottom and enjoying the feel of the cool silk against the warm spot Jason had created.

He sighed.

‘You need more?’

‘I’m just a poor peasant who doesn’t always understand …’

He shook his head and led her by the hand to the bed. Sitting down, he pulled her across his lap and lifted the hem of her black silk slip until her bare bottom was revealed, framed by the suspender straps.

‘Let me know when it starts to sink in,’ he advised. He made a quick and lively start on her, taking full advantage of the way her round cheeks were presented high and defenceless to him.

Jenna wriggled and squirmed, enjoying her role, even if the spanking was pretty brisk and would soon become uncomfortable.

‘Oh, my lord, how could you do this to me?’ she gasped, when she was able to fit words in between ouches and hisses.

‘Are you going to obey me?’ he asked ominously, his hand falling heavier and covering every little inch of exposed skin.

She felt the burn, and imagined how her bottom must look to him, but she didn’t cave. This would end when she couldn’t take any more, and no sooner.

Oh, how good it was to feel his

hand hard on her behind once more. Since the fires and their aftermath, life had been fraught, much of it spent in police stations, hospitals, hotels and newsrooms. But now they were in London, renting their own place in St John’s Wood, with nobody else but themselves to please. There was a room at the top of the house with a pitched glass ceiling that made a perfect studio for Jason, and a neat garden at the back for Jenna to sit in and make calls when the autumn weather was mild enough. At last it felt as if her life might be settling down.