‘Normal?’ she said. ‘What’s normal?’

‘So …?’ His eyes were bright too, but not with tears.

‘Just stop chuntering and kiss me, you daft sod,’ she said.

She had been wondering for the last three weeks what it would feel like to kiss Deano Diamond, and now it was happening, she wasn’t sure she could explain it.

But it was too difficult to separate out the different elements: the warmth, the eagerness, the firmness, the passion, what he was doing with his hands … The only word that came into her head was nice, and after that, gorgeous, and then, Ohhh.

A sharp pang of disappointment interrupted the divine flow when Deano’s lips left hers for a second.

‘There’s, er, a kind of little secret room over there behind those screens,’ he whispered. ‘I’ve told everyone it’s totally off limits. Just in case anyone comes in …’

‘Oh, you dirty bugger,’ whispered Kayley, a wide grin stretching to the edges of her face. ‘You’ve got this all planned, haven’t you?’

‘Well, let’s say I had high hopes …’

She gave his bottom, in its skin-tight jeans, a loud smack.

‘I bet you did. Now get in there.’

Giggling, the pair ran hand in hand over to the screened-off private corner, which contained a low kind of divan covered in cushions and not much else.

‘My secret little crash pad,’ murmured Deano, pulling Kayley down into the soft nest.

She fell so abruptly that her skirt rode up to mid-thigh and there was a worrying pull on her shoulder strap, as if a couple of stitches had gone. But she couldn’t have cared less.

She reached up to cup Deano’s face, pulling it back down to hers for more ravenous kisses. Cushions slipped and slid beneath them as they rolled joyously to and fro, their bodies pressing together with heated urgency.

Deano explored every inch of Kayley’s clothed body with his hands, then ventured into hidden territory, slipping fingertips inside her cleavage and under her skirt. She encouraged him, opening up to him, seeking his corresponding parts herself.

She slid a hand inside his shirt, enjoying the dual sensations of whispering silk and warm skin with the odd wiry hair. And oh, a nipple. He had such cute nipples. She opened the shirt wide and kissed them both.

He groaned, pulling her on top of him, getting a hold of her bottom under her skirt.

‘Watch those knickers – they cost me,’ she warned, before straddling him and smiling rapturously down at his rumpled, reddening face. He looked desperate to get into her, and she liked that look, wanted to drink it in until he was on the edge of frenzy.

‘What’s this?’ she whispered, grinding herself gently over the hard bulge in his unforgiving jeans. ‘Got something for me, have you?’

‘Ohh, you bet, baby. Just you wait.’

‘You’re the one that’s having to wait, duck,’ she said. ‘I could sit here like this for hours, just giving it a little bit of bump and grind every now and then.’

He groaned and reached up to slide her shoulder straps down, revealing her round breasts in their lacy bra cups.

‘Do you like them?’ she asked, glancing down at the mounds. ‘This push-up bra I bought makes ’em look massive. They’re not as big as that really.’

‘They’re perfect,’ said Deano, massaging them feverishly. ‘Oh God.’ He managed to lift his neck high enough to dot a kiss on each one before Kayley pushed him back down.

‘Yeah, I like ’em,’ she said, cupping them in her own hands and squeezing them together. ‘They’re all right.’ She reached behind and unclipped her bra, freeing them. ‘The bra was good,’ she said to Deano, ‘but I had to take it off. My nipples were getting that hard, it was uncomfortable. Look at them! Like bullets.’

She pinched at the tight brown buds, enjoying the look of anguished lust on Deano’s face.

‘Let me,’ he gasped, but she held up a finger.

‘You’ll get yours,’ she promised.

She spent a few moments more enjoying the tension written all over Deano’s face before taking pity on him and placing his eager hands on her breasts.