Brother Mark squinted. "I am afraid my vision is not what it once was."

Valentine handed him some binoculars. There must have been enough light for him to see, for he followed the delicate cabling of the bridge up to the north pylon.

"Temporary," Brother Mark said. "That, my daring Valentine, is the Kurian equivalent of a hammock-tent. Or the Kurian is very small and very young, a new bud off an old sire. Where else would he get multiple Reapers?"

Brother Mark muttered something else about budding in secret or an authorized increase.

"Is he there?" Valentine asked.

"I'm-I think so. There's some activity. As I said, it may be young. But it's able to control multiple Reapers at once. It must be a prodigy."

"All the more reason to kill it when it's young."

Brother Mark lowered the binoculars. "Savage."

"It's the truth, savage or no."

Brother Mark reached into his pocket and extracted a bandless watch. "Better get on with it, then."

Valentine changed into the black Moondagger robes and thick wool socks. He didn't have a beard, but if he tousled his hair right, it gave him a mad, Rasputin-like air that went with the Moondagger apparel. He didn't have the little curved knife many of them carried either; they were prized trophies for Southern Command's soldiers.

The robes had plenty of room in the sleeves to hide his Cat claws on their breakaway twine.

"Go back to the boat," Valentine told Brother Mark. "If you see a lot of shooting without the flare going off, just head back for the other side. If they loose the dogs in the woods, head back to the other side. If I'm still alive, I'll figure some way back, hopefully through Evansville. I'd rather not swim in this water if I don't have to. We'll have a frost by morning, judging from this wind, and I don't want to die of hypothermia thanks to wet clothes."

Brother Mark's lips writhed. "I'll do what I can to confuse matters."

"You'll do nothing. The Ordnance bridge guards are professional soldiers. I broke through a sentry point once and they chased me across half of Kentucky."

"No, I was referring to our friend in that oversized wasp nest. I have some . . . abilities where our Kurian friends are concerned, and if it's an inexperienced mind, I may be able to keep him occupied so you can approach with him unaware."

"I'm glad I decided to bring you along," Valentine said.

"Further proof that I'm good at what I do," Brother Mark said. "Hurry along now, daring Valentine."

Brother Mark was a man of deep waters-if he was a man. Valentine was beginning to wonder if he was in fact a Lifeweaver.

But he didn't have time to think about it. The Bears were scheduled to hit the power plant in two hours-or when Valentine sent up a green flare.

He took his Type Three out of the horsehide sleeve, checked the action, placed a magazine inside it, and tucked his Cat claws into the wide sleeves of the Moondagger uniform-robe. With that, he set off up the riverbank.

Valentine considered trying to bull his way through with his brass ring and the Moondagger outfit, but it looked like the sight lines for the guard posts covered the entire bridge. If he passed one they'd be able to see him all the way to the other.

Plus, there was a shadowy figure in the middle of the bridge that Valentine knew, without a doubt, was a Reaper. Undoubtedly there to guard its master Kurian in its nest high above.

So the easy way was out.

A Reaper, when alert and aware, was the most dangerous thing on two legs walking the earth. The eyes, ears, voice, and appetite of their Kurian, the avatars lived off of the blood of their victims. Terrifyingly strong and juggernaut tough, they were almost impossible to sneak up on, as they could sense a sentient mind nearby. As they fed, they passed vital aura, spiritual energies Valentine only half understood, to the puppet-master animating them. After feeding, the Reaper sometimes lapsed into a half-awake state. Some believed the Kurian became either insensible in the manner of a drunkard or preoccupied with savoring the vital aura-that was the time to strike. Or during daylight, when the sun's energy interfered with the connection between Kurian and Reaper.

If I can't go up from the top of the bridge, I'll take the bottom.

Valentine heard a dog growl up on the bridge as he approached. He froze.

There weren't sentries patrolling the base of the bridge on this side. But up by the lights there were guards pacing here and there, checking the approach to the bridge.

Damn, he'd have to get wet after all.

The Kurians and their poor habits when it came to keeping roads, bridges, and utility lines in repair served them badly at the new bridge. They'd strung power lines along the side of the bridge to bring electricity into southern Indiana from the Kentucky plant. Valentine took his shoes off and tied them around his neck, and then waded out into the river and took advantage of cracks in the cement bridge pilings to climb up to the power lines.