Valentine did his best not to anticipate the shells as he found headquarters, placed in a defile about a quarter mile from the east bank.

"Well?" he asked the first lieutenant he saw, ready to give someone a few choice words.

Why wasn't anyone shooting back with the light artillery?

"Thank God you're here, sir. We've been under aimed artillery fire, sir. Cap-Colonel Bloom's wounded!"

"What's being done about those mortars?"

"They're trying to find a route north around the downed bridge. We're supposed to be set to move."

"On whose orders?"

"Not sure. You can countermand, sir."

"Why would I do that?"

"I think you're in command now, sir."

* * * *

If he was in command, he might as well take charge. Valentine walked over to the headquarters vehicle, a Hummer bristling with antennae like some kind of rust-streaked insect.

Valentine studied a notated ordinance map. Pins marked the positions of his various companies. His jack-of-all-trades former Quislings were up waiting to assist the engineers in repairing the bridge.

He checked the bluff where the Moondaggers-if they were Moondaggers, and not troops out of Lexington or God knew where else-had set up their pieces. It was about a mile and a half south of the bridge.

"Set up an observer post, or better, two, to call in fire on those enemy mortars, if they can be effective. I'm going to the hospital."

He issued orders for defense of the temporary camp. He directed their tiny supply of anti-armor gear to the road that would most likely see the armored cars, and gave orders for everyone to be ready to move as soon as the bridge team could go to work. As soon as Moytana arrived, he was to take charge of the rear guard.

Then Valentine grabbed a spare satchel of signals gear, made sure one of the brigade's few headsets and a flare pistol rested in the holster within, and left.

* * * *

The visit to the hospital was brief. It was the only tent the brigade had set up, mostly because of the big red cross on it. The only other casualty was what was left of a soldier who had a shell go off practically under him. The Moondaggers were dropping most of their shells on the bridge, either trying to keep the rest of the brigade from getting across or in the hopes of a lucky series of shots downing it for good.

Colonel Bloom seemed likely to live, at least long enough for the damage sustained by her pancreas to kill her. She sat up in bed, giving orders.

After hearing the medical report, he sent a messenger for Gamecock.

"Valentine, thank God you're here," she said, pushing away a nurse. "Silence those mortars, fix the bridge, and get the brigade across. These cutters want to sedate me and open me up.

Don't let them stick anything in me until the brigade's safe."

"I think you should do what the doctors ask. I'll take care of the brigade. We'll wriggle out of this fix. The Moondaggers seem to be trying again."

"Yes, I heard the Wolfs report. Right before the world flipped over on me."

"Sorry about that, sir."

She looked like she was trying to smile. "Couldn't be helped. Don't worry about me. Go do your duty."

"If you'll let them get that shrapnel out."

She nodded. Then she opened one eye. "Oh, Valentine?"

"Yes, Colonel?"