But Reisling just stood with arms crossed in an old overcoat, watching them load.

"You'll get your food. The people here are going to pay for every bit. Mark my words."

Valentine could taste his grudge in every mouthful.

* * * *

At the first camp in Kentucky, Seng had a ceremony inviting members of all the companies in his command to see him hand out commendations and medals. Most were going to the Bear and Wolf teams who destroyed the Kurian tower.

Valentine and Patel decided to send Glass and his Grogs under the supervision of Patel and Rand. Valentine wanted the rest of the brigade to get used to the sight of the Grogs, lest some nervous picket open up on them as they brought a cartload of pork back. He called Glass into the company headquarters tent.

"Send someone else, sir," Glass said. "That crap doesn't impress me."

"Glass," Patel said.

"Oh, he's free to talk," Valentine said. "You've got something against medals, Glass?"

"The right guys never get 'em, that's my problem."

Valentine felt he should reprimand Glass, but he wasn't speaking contemptuously of any particular person, just the practice in general. Valentine could hardly upbraid him for having an opinion and expressing it when asked. "Don't tell me you think that way about Colonel Seng too. He's got too many medals to wear, and probably deserves twice that."

"Only medal that means much to me is the combat badge. If you've faced fire, you've proved all you ever have to prove in my book. The valor medals look pretty, but valor's just another word for something getting screwing up. A well-run fight's where you throw so much shit on target what's left of the enemy crawls out begging you to stop."

* * * *

As they camped in the quiet, greening hills of Kentucky the first day of April, Rand brought him the front page of the Nashville Community Spirit ("Giving a little good for the betterment of all" read the motto just under the rather imposing looking font of the newspaper's logo).

Rand pointed to an article at the bottom of page one.


Secure Again

Guerrilla WRECKERS STRIKE OUT! A full-scale raid on rail and river routes north of ENDED WITH A WHIMPER

Monday. The last elements of the bandit incursion gave up or swam for their lives as LOCAL VOLUNTEER HEROES


Security spokesmen affirmed that there had been unusually DESPERATE WINTER SHORTAGES IN

TRANS-MISSISSIPPI. The attack failed utterly as a heavy barrage pinned them against the river. The barrage, which ALARMED PEACE-LOVING MEMPHIS FAMILIES, lasted only long enough to organize the COUNTERATTACK

which SWEPT TO VICTORY against the banks of the Mississippi.

This paper is one of many voices happy to see GREATER COOPERATION BETWEEN MEMPHIS AND


The paper had helpfully printed a few blurry pictures on the second page of bodies lying along the edge of a dirt road and a group of men sitting cross-legged, with arms tied behind their backs.

"Skinny Pete showed up again. That boy makes a good living," Ediyak said, glancing at the pictures but not bothering to read the rest.

"Skinny Pete?" Valentine asked.

"That's what we used to call him. He's a little wisp of a thing from Alabama; looks like he's never had more than two mouthfuls of soup at one time in his whole life. He's always sitting there with his collar pulled up around his ears in the prisoner mock-ups, since he looks hungry as sin."

"Doesn't anyone else notice him?"