"You armed?"

"Pistol and my flare gun. Want me to turn them over to you?"

He was oddly accommodating.

"Can I look at the offer on the jacket again?"

The wording hadn't changed, nor had the logo of a rattlesnake with dragon wings flying openmouthed toward the viewer. Colorful mission patches and squadron insignia - a hairy pirate face with a classic skull-and-bones cap appealed - decorated the sleeves and pockets.

Valentine joined him in the cacti, saw a blanket spread out with a big water jug, a signaling mirror with a hole in the center, and a fire starter. He uncased his binoculars and made a slow survey of the valley below them from cover. Nothing. Of course, that didn't mean the Jaguars weren't approaching. There was ample cover in the dry washes and brush.

"You picked a good spot". Valentine broke out the preserved chow.

"I've had to set down before. Never flipped my bird, though. I'm sure the squadron's having a good laugh. That's a nice rifle".

"Steyr Scout", Valentine said.

Hornbreed checked his wounded hand. "Hope I don't have to see it in action".

"We've got two options, Equality", Valentine said. "Wait for your friends to show, or try to make it to the interstate you passed over. There's a convoy that'll be passing through at first light tomorrow. We can hitch up with them and drop off at the next crossroads and make for Yuma".

"We'll be easier to pick out if we move. I'm supposed to stay with my ship unless I have to evade".

"The Jaguars..."

"There are Jaguars in this valley? I thought they'd cleared out".

"Change your mind?" Valentine asked.

Hornbreed searched the skies. "No. Generally it's best to wait for help to arrive".

Valentine moved to the other side of the cactus-shrouded enclosure. "I'm not one for waiting. But you know your fliers".

"There are more pilots than there are operational ships. But I'm a wing leader. My pilots will come".

Valentine scanned the ground around the overturned plane again. Was there a new shadow next to the brush in front of the engine?

"I like your confidence", Valentine said.

"Stay put and wait", Hornbreed said. "I was a Youth Vanguard leader up Provo way. Worked my way up from larva to scout ant to warrior-guard. We'd go out on squat clearance, burning old homes and buildings outside of town, finding hidden livestock and fields. One time we came on... sheesh, I don't know what to call it. I guess a pilgrimage. Thousand people or more on foot heading for California, hauling stuff on bicycles and handcarts. Our leader decided to follow 'em, see what they were up to. We just walked up and asked where they were going. They got rounded up, of course, and boy, did we hear it from the Churchmen when they found us dogging the column. They kicked the leader right out of the Vanguard. Worked out for me, though, I was the one who argued that we'd been told to burn down

houses and we shouldn't go mixing with deadfeets. Were you in the Vanguard?"

"I grew up off the grid, more or less", Valentine said, still scanning. "I did help teach in a Churchman's one-room schoolhouse". His eyes caught a brief flurry of bouncing brown balls. By the time he got his glasses up and located, the might-bes had vanished into an arroyo.

But the heads were on course for the wreck.

Hornbreed let out a little gasp. "Huff. I always fell asleep somewhere between collective rights and mankind's atrocity catechism".

Definite movement at the wreck now. Through field glasses Valentine watched a scout explore.

"Well, the Jaguars are at your wreck", Valentine said.

Hornbreed shrugged.

The scout entered the overturned craft, which tipped a little as his weight changed its center of balance. A minute later he emerged again, eating from the broken jar of plums. With the sun now fully behind the mountains the desert flats turned blue. The clouds above warmed into reds, golds, and pinks and purples.

Valentine decided he could get used to desert-country sunsets, but he kept his attention on the wreck. More Jaguars had shown up and were now tearing the little ship apart, salvaging everything from bits of wire to the seat covers. Hornbreed took one brief look and handed the glasses back. "Savages. I can't watch any more".