"He married her", Valentine said. "She's my mother. She died at the same time".

"That's it! He has her hair, exactly", Kubishev said, as though the observation relieved him of a burden. "That is good. That is very good. Died at the same time?" Yes.

"I'm glad you were spared".

"I was eleven. Some distance away at the time".

"Major Valentine, I'm sorry to hear that", Thunderbird said. "Were you aware that your Q-file with Southern Command lists your father as J. D. Valentine and your mother as H. Argent?"


"Yes, the same as that excellent set of fake Oklahoma papers you had".

Valentine stared. "I couldn't say why that's the case. When I filled out my enlistment paperwork I put down the correct names".

"I don't have that - this is just a short version - but it does list parentage and place of birth. Oh, your birthplace is listed as Rapid City, South Dakota. Strangely coincidental error, still".

"Maximilian Argent was a family friend", Valentine said.

"We don't doubt that the man in this file is you", Thunderbird said.

"I'm glad to hear it, ummm ..".

"Colonel. The insignia for Delta Group is somewhat esoteric. I mean for you to learn it, though. I'd like to have you under my command".

"Delta Group?"

"Lifeweaver Enhanced. Delta is a symbol of change. We're mostly all Bears up here. I'm not sure if it's a regional affinity, or just that we know right where the Fangs are and we don't need Wolves and Cats and whatnot to locate them".

"I've worked with Bears", Valentine said. "If you want me to become one..."

Thunderbird clacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, thinking. "I don't think I have a slot for you at your former rank. But we might find a job for you and that gizmo you flew in on".

"As you wish", Valentine said. "It'll be good to be back on a team again".

"Then you can satisfy my curiosity, Valentine. Why did you come all the way here? You could have made yourself useful in Denver, Wyoming, even the Caribbean, and saved yourself a lot of mileage. Why us?"

"You're winning", Valentine said.

"Damn right we are", Walker put in. "And we'll keep winning, as long as the Lord sees fit".

The old man bowed his head, and Valentine saw his lips moving silently.

"We'll give you an orientation later. I want a detailed debriefing first".

They sat down and Walker brought in coffee. For forty-five minutes or so they talked, much more conversational than interrogatory. They were especially interested in his trips to the Caribbean and the exact circumstances of his court-martial and conviction under the Fugitive Law. "Typical", Thunderbird said. "They want victory. Just don't like the color of the coin that'll pay for it". Afterward they took a short break, and Valentine saw Thunderbird pick up the phone.

Later they talked to Gide, and Valentine idled in the hall. Her interview was much shorter.

"Term in the militia", she said. "I guess it's a start for us".

Valentine went back into the classroom, where Thunderbird was on the phone again. "Yeah, that's right.

I want everything north of Woodinville Road cleared. They think Redmond's next, but we'll pull back and slide the Action Group north". He looked at Valentine. "Yes?"

"My friend Gide. I was hoping we'd be able to stay together".

"We'll pick this up in ten", Thunderbird said into the phone. He hung it up. "She's a natural. And a woman besides. No room for her with the Bears of Delta Group".