"Show? As in show trial?"

Sime turned his head a little, as though the words were a slap. He looked at Valentine out of one baleful eye.

"You have me. You also have this: plead guilty, and it comes with an offer. You'll get a harsh sentence, most likely life, but the government will reduce it and you'll serve somewhere pleasant, doing useful work. Five years from now, after we've won a significant victory somewhere, your sentence will quietly be commuted to celebrate. You could return to service or we could arrange a quiet little sinecure at a generous salary. When was your last breakfast in bed? I recommend it."

"I have the word of a 'special executive' on that? I've never heard that title before:"

"Consider it as coming from your old governor's lips. He knows what you did in Little Rock. I'm speaking for him and for the other members of the Provisional Government."

Valentine took a deep breath.

"Do this, Major, and it'll be the best kind of victory. No bloodshed."

"That's the carrot; where's the stick?"

"You haven't given me an answer yet."

"Let's say I fight it out."


"Let's say I do anyway," Valentine said.

Sime looked doubtful for the first time. "The Garage." The air got ten degrees warmer in the dark of the cafeteria.

"Will you accept a counteroffer?"

"I'm a negotiator. Of course."

"Do you know Captain Moira Styachowski?"

"I know the name from your reports. She served with you on Big Rock."

"Get her in here. I hear that same offer from her, and I'll take it."

"Ah, it has to come from someone you trust. I feel a little hurt, Major. Usually my title-"

"I've had a gutful of titles in the Kurian Zone. You can keep them."

"I'll see what I can do. If she's on active service I might not be able to get her."

"She's the only-no. If you can't get her, get Colonel Chalmers. I've dealt with her before."

Sime extracted a leather-bound notepad and wrote the name down. "She's with?"

"A judge with the JAG."

"Very well. Thank you for your time, Major."

"I have nothing but time."

"Don't be so sure. Take my deal." Sime looked up and waved to Young.

* * * *

The next day rain tamped down the dust on the exercise yard. The shooters and the looters stayed on opposite sides of the pie slice between the frowning brown wings D and E, trying to keep their pannikins full of lukewarm lentils out of the rain as they sat on long, baseball-dugout-style benches.

"Anyone got an offer from a civilian named Sime?" Valentine asked.