“I believe you’re right, Wistala,” DharSii said. “You have an Ankelene’s mind in a Skotl body with a Wyrr temperament.”

Wistala’s scale rippled at the praise. The Copper remembered their mother’s scale rising and falling that way when Father spoke to her.

He wondered. DharSii was a well-enough-formed dragon with a good mind, but he struck him as one interested only in his own affairs. He wasn’t likely to make much of a mate, nor would he, the Copper suspected, mate unless it were somehow to his advantage. Perhaps he did wish to return to a position of importance in the Lavadome. If that was all, the Copper couldn’t help but think less of him.

“There are records of the Lavadome dating back to Ankle-mere. It may be older, we just have no proof. The crystal NooMoahk had in his library that the Red Queen seized goes back to the days of blighter dominance, if not before.”

“I would suggest it’s an engine of some kind, but beyond anything we could possibly comprehend.”

“Ever since the Red Queen sent NiVom, Imfamnia, and myself to retrieve the object the blighters call the ‘sun-shard’ I’ve been curious about what she thought it would do. NooMoahk’s library yielded some pieces of information.>“Oh, of course. I should hate to lose your services. Perhaps Anaea, it’s sunny there and there’s only two busy times, at planting and harvest.”

“I was thinking Hypatia, my Tyr. I understand the climate in the capital city is very mild.”

Hypatia! The Copper wondered just how tired old NoSohoth was. He’d been skimming a percentage of much of the trade that came into the Lavadome for ages. His hoard must be fabulous, wherever it lay.

“Hypatia. That’s not exactly a Protectorate to while away one’s time in the sun, you know. You’ll be at the heart of the Grand Alliance.”

“And it is in the keeping of your friend NoFhyriticus. A dragon has a rare sense and even temper, I will admit.”

“You have both those qualities as well, old friend.”

“My Tyr flatters me.”

The Copper could see the reason behind NoSohoth’s desire. A Protectorate as rich as Hypatia—he could fill his resort’s bathing pools with silver if he wished.

“Don’t speak of flattery. You deserve it.”

“I’ll train a replacement, of course. I was thinking, perhaps, of devoting myself to selecting and training one to take my place after the hearing of this accusation of murder.”

“You doubt their evidence?”

“I’ve only heard rumors, my Tyr, but it strains credulity.”

“You deserve a reward for all your services past.”

“And future, my Tyr.”

“Yes, and future. When we’ve put this ugly matter behind us you may begin your preparations for becoming a Protector.”

“Of Hypatia, my Tyr?”

“If that is what you want, that is what you shall have,” the Copper said.

He wondered if he’d just outbid Ibidio in this contest for justice.

It was impossible to sleep, impossible to think—the Copper wanted to fly to Nilrasha and tell her about the predicament, but the questioning would be over by the time he could return. He lurked in his chambers and bath, like SiMevolant of old, brooding. No wonder he was so dour and sought refuge in the aroma of sweat emanating from plump human females.

Could he send a swift messenger to Nilrasha, seeking her advice? No, she’d tell him to sacrifice her to preserve his status as Tyr.

It seemed unfair that she couldn’t answer the charges with her own voice.

The arrangement with NoSohoth was cold comfort. Too much could go wrong. It may all depend on the digestion of the audience when the witnesses were heard. He’d have to see about sending some bullocks from the Tyr’s herd around to the principal hills.

A thrall announced that his Queen-Consort wished to see him.

“Very well, show her in.”

He had no interest in listening to Wistala’s latest complaint about one of the Protectors taking too many cattle or making a meal out of a bronze statue.