“Yes,” AuRon said.

The air was too still in this cave. If they stayed, he’d have to ask Naf about finding another cave with better air flow.

“We have to make sure we’re on the winning side,” Natasatch said. “I’d put my hoard on my nest mate. He’s a survivor. You can’t even kill him with poison, I’d say.”

“Thank you.”

“But Imfamnia and NiVom are building a network of allies. If she was being honest with you.”

“I’d like to hear NiVom’s opinion, personally. He’s a smart dragon,” AuRon said.

“Imfamnia’s smarter,” Natasatch said. “She doesn’t let you know just how smart she is. She plays the birdbrain, but she doesn’t act like one.”

“So, you think we should side with them?” AuRon asked.

Natasatch paused a moment before answering. “No, my love. We have to be sure we back the victor, correct?”

“Yes. From what I know of Lavadome politics, being on the losing side could be deadly.”

“Then we must support both.”

“Just how do we do that?” AuRon asked.

“Simple. You’ll work with Imfamnia. Do all you can to ensure her faction succeeds. She likes you, I can tell. She’s taken you in on her plans very early.”

AuRon didn’t like the sound of that.

“I think she likes me too much.”

“Well, you’re an interesting dragon. Besides, your accent is irresistible, it’s not Lavadome at all.”

“I often wonder why you feel so at home with that oversized snakepit.”

“I don’t know. Perhaps my family came from there. I don’t know anything about where I was hatched. I was taken away so young.”

“You do look a little like some of those dragons, around the griff and the jaw. You and Nilrasha, your scale lie very similarly. Maybe you are from a Lavadome family.” AuRon wasn’t sure he liked where this chain of thought led.

He continued: “No, if I’m going to support someone, I’ll support the Tyr. He trusted me here, and by doing so stopped a war with a friend of mine. I’ll support him.”

“I suspected you would. Well, Imfamnia and I get along.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to just find a reasonable dragon to take our spot—perhaps one of the offspring—and go back home?”

Natasatch stretched and rolled over on her other side. “The island? I’d rather take my chances here, to be honest. At least there are metals to eat.”

“Metals or no, too many plots and plans on the cooking fire for my taste. I had enough stratagems and deception in my life just getting that collar off your neck.

“Besides, by ensuring that one of us is on the winning side, you’ve guaranteed one of us will lose, too.”

“The victor can afford to be magnanimous.”

“I’ve seen victors who use their victory to engage in bloody slaughter, too,” AuRon said.

“Oh, that’s hominids, they’re always gutting each other to make a point. A dragon may humble an enemy, but he’ll let them live. Look at Imfamnia or that striped orange friend of yours.”

AuRon wondered what DharSii would think of all this. Where was he? He said something about trading some gathered dragon-scale for coin and paying another visit to the Lava-dome. Scale wasn’t worth as much as it once was, with so many dragons above ground these days, but he thought he could get some coin. Well, no use chasing him down.

“I think I’m due for a visit to my brother,” AuRon said.