DharSii groomed, and then they settled into silence.

They only waited less than a dwarf-hour.

The Red Queen appeared to the sound of trumpets, riding out of her palace behind two white horses pulling a white chariot. A stunted human rode one of the horses, and another the back of her chariot, throwing his weight this way and that in the turns.

AuRon had plenty of time to watch as she approached. He understood the red part immediately—she wore garments of the richest red with a silvery metal accenting it. Her dressing reminded him a little of the battle flags he’d seen in the east, pinned to the back of horsemen, though these seemed more like streamers, projecting out and up like a peacock displaying his feathering.

He supposed it made an impression. But no bodyguard, no retainers, not so much as a courtier or a herald?

“Why doesn’t she send one of her titleors to do her bidding?”

“She doesn’t trust others to shade her judgments. Besides, she’s fascinated with dragons. I expect she wants to meet you. She’s been full of energy since our battle in the heart of Old Uldam. She’s pleased that we retrieved that crystal. I’m sure it lights up her collection of treasures.”


“Do not stare directly into her face. She wears layers of masks, a silk one with a porcelain one atop that, then there’s the gold one she holds in her hands. On one side the face frowns, on the other it smiles. You’ll do well to see that she keeps the smiling one toward you.”

Watching her approach, AuRon decided the flight was worth it. He’d like a chance to meet so extraordinary . . .

Extraordinary what?

“Is she human?”

“She’s the correct size for one, though she has some of the willowy grace of the elves. She’s no dwarf or blighter, that’s certain.”

The chariot ascended the path at a trot. She entered their field and approached them like a serpent, bending first one way and then the other. The horses refused to settle in the presence of the dragon, and the other miniature human assisted his twin in holding them.

She gave a sweeping move of her hand and loose sleeve-fabric followed as though trying to catch up. She detached herself from the plumed carapace and came off the wheeled platform.

AuRon noted the decorative spikes at the center of the wheels.

He would have thought her a slim young man or an elf rather than a woman. She seemed scant for a female. The ones he’d known were full and curved as foxtails. DharSii hadn’t been exaggerating about the masks. Her head was swathed in silk and she wore a mask on her face of the brightest white, shimmering like an unblemished moon.

Her garb still stuck out and up from the shoulders and hung about her as though she were traveling with her own tent in place. The coloring reminded him of a well-boiled lobster. She carried a large mask on a polished ivory stick, holding it in front of her face with the smiling golden face turned out. The face was masculine and reminded him of a beardless dwarf more than anything.

Odd. But then he’d always been told that powerful humans had strange fancies.

The horse-holders took the chariot up the path and away from the dragons.

AuRon couldn’t help but be impressed. Most hominids were terribly timid around dragons, or overcame their instincts and started touching in a stockyard fashion. The Red Queen kept a full neck-length of distance and looked up.

“DharSii, we knew that talk of never returning was a hothead letting off steam. It pleases us to see you back.”

DharSii lowered his head. “Great Queen.”

AuRon thought it best to imitate him.

The mask spun, flashing a brief frown before the smiling face turned to the dragons again. “Ever measured in your words in our presence. We thank you for relieving us from courtly duties and getting us out in the air. You have brought us another skyking?”

“A famous dragon out of the north, traveling in search of a comrade. His name is AuRon.”

“Great Queen. Yes, I do seek another dragon. But we have other matters between us. Years ago a counselor of yours promised me lands in your Dairuss province if I performed a war-service against the Wizard of the Isle of Ice, the Wyrmmaster. This I have done. I come to claim Hischhein’s bounty.”

DharSii looked a little startled at this speech.

“Well done, dragon,” the Queen said. “We are pleased. You come right to business.”

“On which point I will receive satisfaction first.”