“Then bring your people out. I wish them to hear us, and to see while we talk.” AuRon’s mouth was growing sore from forming blighter words.

The blighter who had not yet spoken put a steer-horn to his mouth and made a rattling, whistling call through it. Other blighters led their wives and children from the huts, holding weapons but walking with the points trailing in the dirt to show that no threat was intended.

The elder’s wives unrolled wooden mats on the ground, and the blighter chieftains sat cross-legged, facing AuRon.

“I am called Bund-kleh’Tran. Visitor, speak your name and your wants.”

“I am Gray Dragon AuRon, out of the west,” AuRon said, straining to translate his thoughts into the blighter’s speech. “I’ve seen fourteen summers since coming out of the egg. I’ve climbed mountains and swum oceans. I’ve sailed in ships and traveled in carts. I’ve hunted with wolves and been hunted by men, learned from elves and bargained with dwarves, stood my ground in battle and driven my enemies from their lairs. I’ve defeated a fully grown dragon by wit and wing. I bear four great wounds as testament to this. I come to claim the ruins of Kraglad, a city of old Uldam, and take the black dragon NooMoahk’s place.”

The blighter elders whispered in each other’s ears. Bundkleh’Tran pushed the tip of his staff into the ground. “Two generations ago, NooMoahk-vhe was our lord. None with him now speak.”

“NooMoahk is gone. I will take his place, as his heir, and I want peace with the Umazheh,” AuRon said, using the blighters’ word for themselves.

“What price is the peace?” Bund-kleh’Tran said, after shooting a glance at his fellow elder.

“Just as I said. The ruins of Kraglad will be mine. The river east and west of the old city I claim, as well, and the lands in between the two. I will not touch Umazheh or Umazheh’s herds, as long as they stay off that land. Beyond the rivers, I hunt where I choose. In return for this fealty, you will have my aid against any enemy of the Umazheh within one day’s dragonflight of Kraglad. This is many mountains east and west of here, and much of the southern forest to the borders of old Uldam. If famine or disease strikes your herds, I will succor the Umazheh as I can by hunting. These are my terms.”

The chieftains retired and whispered, still facing AuRon. AuRon could hear them, but most of the words were unfamiliar. After a conference, they approached him again.

The blighter named Keerh crossed his arms across his chest. “We stand at an impasse. Kraglad is revered of our people. NooMoahk-veh claimed our shrines. This wrong must be righted.”

“A dragon needs safe refuge. Pilgrims who come in peace unarmed, preceded by a harbinger, will be allowed within the city.”

“We must bargain for what is rightfully ours?” Keerh asked of Bund-kleh’Tran.

“A dragon is better as an ally than as an enemy,” Tran said, gripping his staff with his hand reversed. AuRon wondered if the awkward gesture meant indecision.

Something flashed at the corner of his vision, and AuRon crouched. Two arrows that would have found his heart struck his shoulder instead.

Bund-kleh’Tran lifted his arm, and a wide blade shone in the sunlight as it emerged from the cane-scabbard. His aged companion Keerh, moving quickly for a blighter of such age and weight, reached to a hidden scabbard at his back and drew a fighting ax.

AuRon whipped his tail across the ground in anger; the instinctive gesture scattered charging spear-blighters. Tran swung his ax-wide sword as if to cleave the dragon’s skull from crest to snout, but the blade opened AuRon’s chin as he avoided the swipe. He was not so lucky with Keerh, who plunged his battle-ax into AuRon’s throat, swinging under the armored griff. AuRon felt his neck stiffen, the blighter had cut into the muscle-wrapped tube leading up from his fire bladder. A sphincter at the outlet of his fire bladder clamped shut at the touch of air; his flame was useless.

AuRon hugged the ground, protecting his soft belly. He extended his wings and flapped hard, sending up a cloud of dust and pebbles from the open ground at the center of the ring of huts. Keerh and Tran turned their heads from the stinging spray for a second—

—which was all AuRon needed. He pounced, getting a forelimb on each elder blighter’s chest. He knocked them to the ground and bore down with all his weight and muscle, and felt a satisfying crunch as his sii tore into collapsing rib cages. Even more satisfying, though brief, was the shriek from Keerh.

More arrows pierced his flank. AuRon turned to see that the blighter charge had become a rout. All save one blighter had dropped his spear. Some flung themselves on the ground; others ran. The lone attacker, perhaps not knowing his fellows had deserted him, still ran forward with spear point raised. AuRon’s tail flashed over and forward like a bullwhip; he knocked the spear into the ground. The weapon stopped, but the charging blighter didn’t, and the unfortunate tripped over first the haft and then his own foot. The blighter sprawled before AuRon.

The arrow wounds burned him; the blighters must have dipped the heads in some foul substance. “Don’t move,” AuRon said to the blighter before him. “Or you die, and I consume this village to the last goat-kid.”

“Mercy! Mercy, great AuRon!” the blighter cried.

“I’ll do more than show you mercy. Lift your head, and tell me your name.”

The young blighter lifted his slobbered face. “I am called Unrush! I ask your mercy.”

“Unrush, are you a father?” AuRon said, a little thickly.

“Of eleven youth, by two wives. Spare us!”

“Then you can be called an elder. Unrush, you’re in charge of this village now. Don’t worry, when this Dokla comes back, I’ll make him understand. You may pick the third elder yourself. If the three of you play fair by me, I’ll see you chieftains of all the Umazheh of these mountains. Did you hear the bargain I offered to the dead ones?”

“Yes, and it was fair! Most fair!”

“Then keep it and see your Umazheh safe and prosperous.”

AuRon fought a growing weariness as he flew off to the river where he had first met the fishing NooMoahk. The arrow wounds throbbed. He submerged himself in the cooling water and worried at the arrow points with his clipping front teeth. Only once the arrowheads were out, and the blood ran as freely as the water coursing over him, did he allow himself to lay his head on the riverbank. The sun pained him. He sank into a half-sleep and dreamed of a sky filled with thunderheads.