Page 419 of The Gathering Storm

This is an exercise in futility, she told herself firmly. Don't go down that path. Even without Verin's books, Egwene had suspected that the breaking of the Tower was the Dark One's work. Of course he would be pleased that the Aes Sedai had split in two, rather than unifying behind one leader.

It was just more . . . personal now. Egwene felt dirtied, she felt duped. For a moment, she felt herself to be the country girl many thought her to be. If Elaida had been a pawn for the Blacks, then so had she. Light! How the Dark One must have laughed to see two rival Amyrlins, each with one of his loyal minions at her side, pitting them against one another.

I can't be certain exactly what he wants or why he wants it, Verin had said. Even after years of study, I can't be certain. . . . Who knew whether the Dark One laughed?

She shivered. Whatever his plan, she would fight him. Resist him. Spit in his eye, even if he won, just as the Aiel said.

"Well, that's a sight," Siuan's voice said.

Egwene spun, realizing with chagrin that she no longer wore the dress of the Amyrlin, but a full suit of armor like a soldier riding to battle. In her hand, she carried a pair of Aiel spears.

She banished armor and spears with a thought, resuming the dress. "Siuan," she said curtly. "You may want to summon yourself a chair. Something has happened."

Siuan frowned. "What?"

"First off, Sheriam and Moria are Black Ajah."

"What?" Siuan said, shocked. "What nonsense is this?" She froze. "Mother," she added belatedly.

"It is not nonsense," Egwene said. "The truth, I'm afraid. There are others, but I will have to give you their names later. We can't yet take them into custody. I need time to plan and think, an evening perhaps. We will strike soon. But until we do, I want Sheriam and Moria watched. Don't be alone around them."

Siuan shook her head in disbelief. "How certain are you about this, Egwene?"

"Certain enough," Egwene said. "Watch them, Siuan, and be thinking of what to do. I'll want to hear your suggestions. We'll need a way to take them quietly, then prove to the Hall that what we've done is justified."

"This could be dangerous." Siuan rubbed her chin. "I hope you know what you are doing, Mother." She emphasized the last word.

"If I err," Egwene said, "then it will be on my head. But I don't think that I do. As I said, much has changed."

Siuan bowed her head. "Are you still captive?"

"Not exactly. Elaida has—" Egwene hesitated, frowning to herself. Something was wrong.

"Egwene?" Siuan asked, anxious.

"I. ..." Egwene began, then shuddered. Something was pulling on her mind, clouding it. Something was . . .

Pulling her back. Tel'aran'rhiod winked away and Egwene opened her eyes back in her room, an anxious Nicola shaking her arm. "Mother," she was saying. "Mother!"

The girl had a bloody gash on her cheek. Egwene sat up sharply, and at that moment the entire Tower shook as if from an explosion. Nicola grabbed her arm, yelping in fright.

"What is going on?" Egwene demanded.

"Shadowspawn!" Nicola cried. "In the air, serpents that throw flame and weaves of the One Power! They're destroying us! Oh, Mother. It's Tarmon Gai'don!"

Egwene felt a moment of primal, nearly uncontrollable panic. Tarmon Gai'don! The Last Battle!

She heard screams in the distance, followed by the shouts of soldiers or Warders. No . . . no, she needed to focus! Serpents in the air. Serpents that wielded the One Power ... or with riders that wielded the One Power. Egwene threw off the blanket and leaped to her feet.

It wasn't Tarmon Gai'don, but it was nearly as bad. The Seanchan had finally attacked the White Tower, just as Egwene had Dreamed.

And she couldn't channel enough Power to light a candle, let alone fight back.


The Tower Shakes

Siuan awoke with a start. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. She scrambled off of her pallet. As she did, a dark figure moved suddenly on the other side of the tent, metal rasping against metal. Siuan froze, embracing the Source reflexively and summoning a globe of light.