Page 352 of The Gathering Storm

Bloody ashes, but the figures were large! A mountain of charcoal, sulphur and . . . bat guano? The notes claimed there was a city specializing in producing it over in the northern reaches of the Mountains of Mist. What city specialized in gathering bat guano, of all things? There were requirements for copper and tin as well, though for some reason there were no numbers beside those. Just a little star notation.

Mat shook his head. How would the common people react if they knew that the majestic nightflowers were just a paper, powder and—of all things—bat dung? No wonder Illuminators were so secretive with their craft. It wasn't just about preventing competition. The more you knew about the process, the less wondrous and more ordinary it became.

"This is a lot of material," Mat said.

"A miracle, that is what you asked me for, Matrim Cauthon," she replied, handing her nightflower to Leilwin and picking up her writing board. She made some notations on the sheet strapped to the front. "That miracle, I have broken down into a list of ingredients. A feat which is in itself miraculous, yes? Do not complain of the heat when someone offers you the sun in the palm of her hands."

"Doesn't seem so manageable to me," Mat muttered, mostly to himself. "Is this figure the costs?"

"I am not a scribe," Aludra said. "Those are estimates only. The calculations, I have taken them as far as I can go, but the rest will have to be figured by those more proficient. The Dragon Reborn, he can afford such costs." Leilwin watched Mat with a curious expression. Things had changed with her, too, because of Tuon. But not in the way he'd expected.

Mention of Rand brought the colors swirling into Mat's vision, and he suppressed a sigh as he shook them away. Maybe Rand could manage costs like these, but Mat certainly couldn't. Why, he'd have to dice with the queen of Andor herself to find this kind of coin!

But that was Rand's problem. Burn him, he'd better appreciate what Mat was going through for him. "This doesn't include a manpower estimate," Mat noticed, scanning the sheets again. "How many bellfounders are you going to need for this project?"

"Every one you can get," Aludra said curtly. "Is that not what you promised me? Every bellfounder from Andor to Tear."

"I suppose," Mat said. He hadn't actually expected her to take him literally on that. "What about copper and tin? You don't have an estimate of those."

"I need all of it."

"All of. ... What do you mean, all of it?"

"All of it," she repeated, as simply and calmly as if she were asking for more cloudberry jam for her porridge. "Every scrap of copper and tin you can scrounge up this side of the Spine of the World." She paused. "Perhaps that does seem too ambitious."

"Bloody right it's ambitious," Mat muttered.

"Yes," Aludra said. "Let us assume the Dragon has control of Caemlyn, Cairhien, Illian and Tear. If he were to provide me with access to each and every mine and metal store of copper and tin in those four cities, I suppose it would be sufficient."

"Every metal store," Mat said flatly.


"In four of the world's largest cities."


"And you 'suppose' that would be sufficient."

"I believe that is what I said, Matrim Cauthon."

"Great. I'll see what I can do about that. Would you like the bloody Dark One to come polish your shoes while you're at it? Maybe we could dig up Artur Hawkwing and get him to do a dance for you."

Leilwin gave Mat a glare at the mention of Artur Hawkwing. After a moment, Aludra finished her annotations, then turned to regard Mat. She spoke flatly, just vaguely hostile. "My dragons, they will be a great power for a man of war. You claim what I have given you is extravagant. It is only needed." She eyed him. "I will not lie and say I didn't expect this dismissiveness from you, Master Cauthon. Pessimism, she is a fond friend of yours, yes?"

"That's uncalled for," Mat grumbled, glancing back down at the drawings. "I barely know her. Mere acquaintances, at best. You've got my oath on it."

That earned a snort from Bayle. Whether it was one of amusement or derision was impossible to tell without looking back to judge his face. Mat didn't glance at him. Aludra was staring at him. Their eyes met for a moment, and Mat realized he'd probably been too curt with her. Maybe he was uncomfortable around her. A little. They'd been getting close before Tuon. And was that pain, hidden in Aludra's eyes?

"I'm sorry, Aludra," he said. "I shouldn't have talked like that."

She shrugged.

He took a deep breath. "Look, I know that . . . well, it's odd how Tuon—"

She waved a hand, cutting him off. "It is nothing. I have my dragons. You have brought me the chance to create them. Other matters are no longer of concern. I wish you happiness."

"Well," he said. He rubbed his chin, then sighed. Best to just let it pass. "Anyway, I hope I can get this done. You ask for a lot of resources."