Page 156 of The Gathering Storm

" 'Dealing' with is different from 'working' with," Egwene said. "The Dragon Reborn should not have been left to run free, but since when has the White Tower been in the business of kidnapping and forcing people to our will? Are we not known as the most subtle and careful of all people? Do we not pride ourselves on being able to make others do as they should, all the while letting them think it was their idea? When in the past have we locked kings in boxes and beaten them for disobedience? Why now— of all the times under the Light—have we forsaken our fine practice and become simple footpads instead?"

Ferane selected a walnut. The other two Whites were sharing an unsettled look. "There is sense in what you say," the Sitter finally admitted.

Egwene set aside the nutcracker. "Rand al'Thor is a good man, in his heart, but he needs guidance. These days are when we should have been at our most subtle. He should have been led to trust Aes Sedai above all others, to rely on our counsel. He should have been shown the wisdom in listening. Instead, he has been shown that we will treat him like an unruly child. If he is one, he cannot be allowed to think we regard him in such a way. Because of our bungling, he has taken some Aes Sedai captive, and has allowed still others to be bonded to those Asha'man of his."

Ferane sat up stiffly. "Best not to mention that atrocity."

"What is this?" Tesan said, shocked, hand raised to her breast. Some Whites never seemed to pay attention to the world around them. "Ferane? Did you know of this?"

Ferane didn't respond.

"I've . . . heard this rumor," said stout Miyasi. "If it is true, then something must be done."

"Yes," Egwene said. "Unfortunately, we cannot focus on al'Thor right now."

"He is the greatest problem facing the world," pinch-faced Tesan said, leaning forward. "We must deal with him first."

"No," Egwene said. "There are other issues."

Miyasi frowned. "With the Last Battle impending, I can't see any other issues of importance."

Egwene shook her head. "In dealing with Rand now, we'd be like a farmer, looking at his wagon and worrying that there aren't any goods in the bed for him to sell—but ignoring the fact that his axle is cracked. Fill the bed before it is time, and you'll just break the wagon and be worse off than when you started."

"And what, exactly, are you implying?" Tesan demanded.

Egwene looked back at Ferane.

"I see," Ferane said. "You are referring to the division in the White Tower."

"Can a cracked stone be a good foundation for a building?" Egwene asked. "Can a frayed rope hold a panicky horse? How can we, in our current state, hope to manage the Dragon Reborn himself?"

Ferane said, "Why, then, do you continue to enforce the division by insisting that you are the Amyrlin Seat? You defy your own logic."

"And renouncing my claim on the Amyrlin Seat would mend the Tower?" Egwene asked.

"It would help."

Egwene raised an eyebrow. "Let us assume, for a moment, that by renouncing my claim, I could persuade the rebel faction to rejoin the White Tower and accept Elaida's leadership." She raised the eyebrow further, indicating how likely she thought that was. "Would the divisions be healed?"

"You just said they would be," Tesan said, frowning.

"Oh?" Egwene said. "Would sisters stop scurrying through the hallways, frightened to be alone? Would groups of women from different Ajahs stop regarding each other with hostility when they pass in the hallways? With all due respect, would we no longer feel the need to wear our shawls at all times to reinforce who we are and where our allegiance is?"

Ferane glanced down, briefly, at her white-fringed shawl.

Egwene leaned forward, continuing. "Surely you, of all women in the White Tower, can see the importance of the Ajahs working together. We need women with different skills and interests to gather into Ajahs. But does it make sense for us to refuse to work together?"

"The White has not caused this . . . regrettable tension," Miyasi said with a little snort. "The others acting with such abundance of emotion have created it."

"The present leadership has caused it," Egwene said, "a leadership which teaches that it's all right to still fellow sisters in secret, to execute Warders before their Aes Sedai are even brought to trial. That there's nothing wrong with removing a sister's shawl and reducing her to an Accepted, that there's nothing wrong with disbanding an entire Ajah. And what of acting without the counsel of the Hall in something as dangerous as kidnapping and imprisoning the Dragon Reborn? Is it unexpected that the sisters would be so frightened and worried? Is it not all completely logical, what has happened to us?"

The three Whites were quiet.

"I will not submit," Egwene said. "Not while doing so leaves us fractured. I will continue to assert that Elaida is not the Amyrlin. Her actions have proven it. You want to help battle the Dark One? Well, your first step is not to deal with the Dragon Reborn. Your first step should be to reach out to sisters of the other Ajahs."

"Why us?" Tesan said. "The actions of others are not our responsibility."

"And you are not to blame at all?" Egwene asked, letting a little of her anger seep through. Would none of her sisters accept a modicum of responsibility? "You, of the White, should have seen where this road would lead. Yes, Siuan and the Blue were not without their flaws—but you should have seen the flaw in pulling her down, then allowing Elaida to disband the Blue. Besides, I believe that several members of your own Ajah were integral to the act of setting up Elaida as Amyrlin."